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Selected Abstracts

Conjugal properties of the Sinorhizobium meliloti plasmid mobilome

Mariano Pistorio
Abstract The biology and biochemistry of plasmid transfer in soil bacteria is currently under active investigation because of its central role in prokaryote adaptation and evolution. In this work, we examined the conjugal properties of the cryptic plasmids present in a collection of the N2 -fixing legume-symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. The study was performed on 65 S. meliloti isolates recovered from 25 humic soils of Argentina, which were grouped into 22 plasmid-profile types [i.e. plasmid operational taxonomic units (OTUs)]. The cumulative Shannon index calculated for the observed plasmid profiles showed a clear saturation plateau, thus indicating an adequate representation of the S. meliloti plasmid-profile types in the isolates studied. The results show that isolates of nearly 14% of the plasmid OTUs hosted transmissible plasmids and that isolates of 29% of the plasmid OTUs were able to retransfer the previously characterized mobilizable-cryptic plasmid pSmeLPU88b to a third recipient strain. It is noteworthy that isolates belonging to 14% of the plasmid OTUs proved to be refractory to the entrance of the model plasmid pSmeLPU88b, suggesting either the presence of surface exclusion phenomena or the occurrence of restriction incompatibility with the incoming replicon. Incompatibility for replication between resident plasmids and plasmid pSmeLPU88b was observed in c. 20% of the OTUs. The results reported here reveal a widespread compatibility among the conjugal functions of the cryptic plasmids in S. meliloti, and this fact, together with the observed high proportion of existing donor genotypes, points to the extrachromosomal compartment of the species as being an extremely active plasmid mobilome. [source]

The use of willingness-to-pay approaches in mammal conservation

MAMMAL REVIEW, Issue 2 2001
Piran C. L. White
ABSTRACT With limited monetary resources available for nature conservation, policy-makers need to be able to prioritize conservation objectives. This has traditionally been done using qualitative ecological criteria. However, since declines in species and habitats are largely the result of socio-economic and political forces, human preferences and values should also be taken into account. An environmental economics technique, contingent valuation, provides one way of doing this by quantifying public willingness-to-pay towards specific conservation objectives. In this paper, the use of this approach for quantifying public preferences towards the UK Biodiversity Action Plans for four different British mammal species is considered. The species included are the Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, the Brown Hare Lepus europaeus, the Otter Lutra lutra and the Water Vole Arvicola terrestris. Willingness-to-pay for conservation was increased by the inclusion of the Otter among the species, membership of an environmental organization and awareness of the general and species-specific threats facing British mammals. It was reduced by the presence of the Brown Hare among the species being considered. These findings for British mammals are compared with other willingness-to-pay studies for mammal conservation worldwide. Willingness-to-pay tends to be greater for marine mammals than terrestrial ones, and recreational users of species (tourists or hunters) are generally more willing than residents to pay towards species conservation. The choice of technique for eliciting willingness-to-pay from respondents is also shown to be highly significant. Willingness-to-pay values for British mammals derived from contingent valuation are sensitive to the species included rather than merely symbolic. This indicates that, with care, such measures can be used as a reliable means of quantifying public preferences for conservation, and therefore contributing to the decision-making process. However, irrespective of the internal consistency of contingent valuation, the validity of the approach, especially for use in nature conservation, is disputed. Willingness-to-pay is likely to reflect many interrelated factors such as ethical and moral values, knowledge and tradition, and monetary values may not be an adequate representation of these broader considerations. Willingness-to-pay approaches should therefore be used in addition to, rather than in place of, expert judgements and more deliberative approaches towards policy decision-making for conservation. [source]

SIMM: An integrated forecasting system for the Mediterranean area

Antonio Speranza
Abstract Many ,high-impact' meteorological, marine and hydrological events in the Mediterranean area are characterized by horizontal spatial scales of the order of 10,100 km. Such events are, sometimes, driven by complex dynamical processes involving planetary scale atmospheric flows. Several international programs (ALPEX, POEM, MAP, PYREX, MEDEX) have improved the understanding of some of these processes. However, because of the Mediterranean's geomorphological structure, characterized by mountain chains (e.g. the Alps), semi-enclosed sea basins and small river catchments, many problems remain. It is clear that such problems have to be faced in the context of analysis-prediction systems bridging the gap between global and local scales of motion. These systems should allow for an adequate representation of key dynamical processes at all the relevant scales of motion. The Hydro-Meteorological-Marine System (,Sistema Idro-Meteo-Mare', SIMM) is a first step in developing an integrated system, adequately covering all scales of motion from global to local. A short description of the system is presented, highlighting scientific concepts behind design choices. A summary of the results of verification tests is also illustrated, together with a general evaluation of the whole process in planning, developing and running SIMM in order to assist future updates of the system, currently under development. Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society [source]

Modifying the metaphor in order to improve understanding of control languages,the little-person becomes a cast of actors

Peter Whalley
The instructional metaphor is an important bridge to understanding, particularly when students are undertaking tasks that are conceptually difficult and outside their previous experience. It is suggested that the limitations of the implicit metaphor of the procedural control languages are the main cause of the problems experienced with delivering the control topic within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum. These continue to dominate classroom practice despite Papert warning more than 25 years ago of the conceptual restrictions that they place on children's thinking. It is also claimed that the procedural control languages do not provide an adequate representation of the underlying input,process,output model of control, and that this contributes to a systematic pattern of misunderstanding. Classroom trials of a graphic object-orientated language are related to a prior study made with the procedural control language Control Logo. The relatively more sophisticated mental models developed by students working with actor-lab are discussed in terms of the different underlying metaphors and the problem representation provided. [source]

Decisional autonomy of planetary rovers

Félix Ingrand
To achieve the ever increasing demand for science return, planetary exploration rovers require more autonomy to successfully perform their missions. Indeed, the communication delays are such that teleoperation is unrealistic. Although the current rovers (such as MER) demonstrate a limited navigation autonomy, and mostly rely on ground mission planning, the next generation (e.g., NASA Mars Science Laboratory and ESA Exomars) will have to regularly achieve long range autonomous navigation tasks. However, fully autonomous long range navigation in partially known planetary-like terrains is still an open challenge for robotics. Navigating hundreds of meters without any human intervention requires the robot to be able to build adequate representations of its environment, to plan and execute trajectories according to the kind of terrain traversed, to control its motions, and to localize itself as it moves. All these activities have to be planned, scheduled, and performed according to the rover context, and controlled so that the mission is correctly fulfilled. To achieve these objectives, we have developed a temporal planner and an execution controller, which exhibit plan repair and replanning capabilities. The planner is in charge of producing plans composed of actions for navigation, science activities (moving and operating instruments), communication with Earth and with an orbiter or a lander, while managing resources (power, memory, etc.) and respecting temporal constraints (communication visibility windows, rendezvous, etc.). High level actions also need to be refined and their execution temporally and logically controlled. Finally, in such critical applications, we believe it is important to deploy a component that protects the system against dangerous or even fatal situations resulting from unexpected interactions between subsystems (e.g., move the robot while the robot arm is unstowed) and/or software components (e.g., take and store a picture in a buffer while the previous one is still being processed). In this article we review the aforementioned capabilities, which have been developed, tested, and evaluated on board our rovers (Lama and Dala). After an overview of the architecture design principle adopted, we summarize the perception, localization, and motion generation functions required by autonomous navigation, and their integration and concurrent operation in a global architecture. We then detail the decisional components: a high level temporal planner that produces the robot activity plan on board, and temporal and procedural execution controllers. We show how some failures or execution delays are being taken care of with online local repair, or replanning. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [source]