Considerable Diversity (considerable + diversity)

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Selected Abstracts

Rapid breakdown of exogenous extracellular hydrogen peroxide by lichens

Richard P. Beckett
All organisms, even highly stress-tolerant lichens, produce a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during and after stress. Furthermore, the cell walls of some lichens in Suborder Peltigerineae contain laccases, and therefore can produce quinone radicals that can break down to yield ROS. While the extracellular ROS produced by these enzymes probably play important roles in the biology of these lichens, they may also be potentially harmful and need to be rapidly broken down. To test this, rates of breakdown of exogenously supplied H2O2 were measured in a range of lichen species. Considerable diversity existed in rates of H2O2 breakdown but rates were on average almost double in members of Suborder Peltigerineae. While all lichens tested appeared to lack extracellular peroxidases and catalases, enzymes normally involved in breaking down H2O2, extracellular tyrosinase activity could be readily detected in the Peltigerineae. A role for tyrosinases in H2O2 breakdown was supported by the results from experiments involving inhibitors, and demonstration of the simultaneous release into an incubation solution of tyrosinase activity and the ability to breakdown H2O2. Rates of breakdown were very high, and tyrosinase appeared to break down H2O2 by a catalase-like mechanism. However, significant rates of breakdown of H2O2 also occurred in species that did not possess cell wall redox enzymes. These species probably took up the exogenously supplied H2O2 intracellularly and then broke it down by the usual catalases and peroxidases. The importance of H2O2 degradation is discussed in terms of its possible role in defence against the harmful effects of ROS. [source]

Pacific Salmon Extinctions: Quantifying Lost and Remaining Diversity

biodiversidad; diversidad de salmones; extinción de poblaciones; historia de vida de salmones Abstract:,Widespread population extirpations and the consequent loss of ecological, genetic, and life-history diversity can lead to extinction of evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) and species. We attempted to systematically enumerate extinct Pacific salmon populations and characterize lost ecological, life history, and genetic diversity types among six species of Pacific salmon (Chinook [Oncorhynchus tshawytscha], sockeye [O. nerka], coho [O. kisutch], chum [O. keta], and pink salmon [O. gorbuscha] and steelhead trout [O. mykiss]) from the western contiguous United States. We estimated that, collectively, 29% of nearly 1400 historical populations of these six species have been lost from the Pacific Northwest and California since Euro-American contact. Across all species there was a highly significant difference in the proportion of population extinctions between coastal (0.14 extinct) and interior (0.55 extinct) regions. Sockeye salmon (which typically rely on lacustrine habitats for rearing) and stream-maturing Chinook salmon (which stay in freshwater for many months prior to spawning) had significantly higher proportional population losses than other species and maturation types. Aggregate losses of major ecological, life-history, and genetic biodiversity components across all species were estimated at 33%, 15%, and 27%, respectively. Collectively, we believe these population extirpations represent a loss of between 16% and 30% of all historical ESUs in the study area. On the other hand, over two-thirds of historical Pacific salmon populations in this area persist, and considerable diversity remains at all scales. Because over one-third of the remaining populations belong to threatened or endangered species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, it is apparent that a critical juncture has been reached in efforts to preserve what remains of Pacific salmon diversity. It is also evident that persistence of existing, and evolution of future, diversity will depend on the ability of Pacific salmon to adapt to anthropogenically altered habitats. Resumen:,Las extirpaciones generalizadas de poblaciones y la consecuente pérdida de diversidad ecológica, genética y de historia natural puede llevar a la extinción de unidades evolutivamente significativas (UES) y especies. Intentamos enumerar sistemáticamente a las poblaciones extintas de salmón del Pacífico y caracterizar a los tipos de diversidad ecológica, de historia natural y genética de seis especies de salmón del Pacífico Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, O. nerka, O. kisutch, O. keta, y O. gorbuscha; y trucha O. mykiss en el occidente de Estados Unidos. Estimamos que, colectivamente, se ha perdido a 29% de casi 1400 poblaciones históricas de estas seis especies en el Pacífico Noroeste y California desde la colonización europea. En todas las especies hubo una diferencia altamente significativa en la proporción de extinción de poblaciones entre regiones costeras (0.14 extintas) e interiores (0.55 extintas). O. nerka (que típicamente cría en hábitats lacustres) y O. tshawytscha (que permanece en agua dulce por muchos meses antes del desove) tuvieron pérdidas poblacionales significativamente mayores que las otras especies y tipos de maduración. Se estimó que las pérdidas agregadas de componentes mayores de la biodiversidad ecológica, de historia natural y genética en todas las especies fueron de 33%, 15% y 27%, respectivamente. Colectivamente, consideramos que estas extirpaciones de poblaciones representan una pérdida entre 16% y 30% de todas las UES históricas en el área de estudio. Por otro lado, más de dos tercios de las poblaciones históricas de salmón del Pacífico persisten en esta área, y aun hay considerable diversidad en todas las escalas. Debido a que más de un tercio de las poblaciones restantes pertenecen a especies enlistadas como amenazadas o en peligro en el Acta de Especies en Peligro de E. U. A., es evidente que se ha llegado a una disyuntiva crítica en los esfuerzos para preservar lo que queda de la diversidad de salmón del Pacífico. También es evidente que la persistencia de la diversidad existente, y su futura evolución, dependerá de la habilidad del salmón del Pacífico para adaptarse a hábitats alterados antropogénicamente. [source]

Resolving Deadlock: Why International Organisations Introduce Soft Law

Armin Schäfer
Instead the EU relies on soft law that does not legally bind governments in the same way as the Community Method used to. The literature assumes that soft law is chosen to achieve common objectives given considerable diversity among the Member States. In contrast, this paper suggests that non-binding coordination is first and foremost a means to foster compromises in the absence of substantial agreements. Three case studies demonstrate that international organisations have repeatedly relied on soft law to overcome disagreements among their members. The IMF, the OECD, and the EU introduced soft coordination at times of institutional crisis to prevent a breakdown of negotiations. [source]

Distribution and diversity of type III secretion system-like genes in saprophytic and phytopathogenic fluorescent pseudomonads

Sylvie Mazurier
Abstract Type three secretion systems (TTSSs) are protein translocation mechanisms associated with bacterial pathogenicity in host plants, and hypersensitive reactions in non-host plants. Distribution and diversity of TTSS-like genes within a collection of saprophytic and phytopathogenic fluorescent pseudomonads were characterized. This collection included 16 strains belonging to 13 pathogenic species, and 87 strains belonging to five saprophytic species isolated from plant rhizosphere and soil. Presence of conserved hypersensitive reaction/pathogenicity (hrp) genes (hrc RST) was assessed both by PCR using primers designed to amplify the corresponding sequence and by dot-blot hybridization using a PCR-amplified hrc RST fragment as a probe. PCR allowed the detection of TTSS-like genes in 75% and 32% of the phytopathogenic and saprophytic strains, respectively, and dot-blot hybridization in 100% and 49% of the phytopathogenic and saprophytic strains, respectively. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of 26 amplified hrc RST fragments revealed a considerable diversity. Twenty-one distinct RFLP types were identified and one hrc RST fragment was sequenced per RFLP type. The obtained hrc RST sequences clustered into three groups. Two of these groups included both phytopathogenic and saprophytic strains. The diversity of 16S rRNA genes, commonly used as an evolution marker, was characterized using PCR-RFLP. Polymorphism of the 16S rRNA genes corresponded to that of hrc RST genes, suggesting that these genes have followed a similar evolution. However, the occurrence of few mismatches suggests that sometimes TTSS-like genes might have undergone horizontal genetic transfer. [source]

The external gills of anuran amphibians: Comparative morphology and ultrastructure

M. Nokhbatolfoghahai
Abstract The external gills of anuran amphibians are transient structures, covered by the development of the operculum and regressing soon afterwards. Their functional role has been regarded as equivocal. However, detailed morphological analysis has been limited. Analysis of 21 species from six families using scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed diversity at the anatomical and cellular levels in extent and length of gill filaments, numbers of surface ciliated cells, width of water-blood barrier distance, and evidence of gill motility. The most highly developed external gills were found in species with delayed hatching, such as Phyllomedusa trinitatis, or in species in which hatchlings hang from the surface film of temporary ponds, such as Phrynohyas venulosa in which gills added 26,38% to body surface area. In one family, the bufonids, all four species examined had poorly developed gills, but in other families where we examined several species, the hylids and leptodactylids, there was considerable diversity of external gills, suggesting flexible adaptation to incubation and hatching environment. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Sampling methods for phlebotomine sandflies

B. Alexander
Summary A review is presented of methods for sampling phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae). Among ,500 species of Phlebotominae so far described, mostly in the New World genus Lutzomyia and the Old World genus Phlebotomus, about 10% are known vectors of Leishmania parasites or other pathogens. Despite being small and fragile, sandflies have a wide geographical range with species occupying a considerable diversity of ecotopes and habitats, from deserts to humid forests, so that suitable methods for collecting them are influenced by environmental conditions where they are sought. Because immature phlebotomines occupy obscure terrestrial habitats, it is difficult to find their breeding sites. Therefore, most trapping methods and sampling procedures focus on sandfly adults, whether resting or active. The diurnal resting sites of adult sandflies include tree holes, buttress roots, rock crevices, houses, animal shelters and burrows, from which they may be aspirated directly or trapped after being disturbed. Sandflies can be collected during their periods of activity by interception traps, or by using attractants such as bait animals, CO2 or light. The method of trapping used should: (a) be suited to the habitat and area to be surveyed, (b) take into account the segment of the sandfly population to be sampled (species, sex and reproduction condition) and (c) yield specimens of appropriate condition for the study objectives (e.g. identification of species present, population genetics or vector implication). Methods for preservation and transportation of sandflies to the laboratory also depend on the objectives of a particular study and are described accordingly. [source]


Summary. In 1977 Grahame Clark suggested that the siting of megalithic tombs along the west coast of Scandinavia reflected the distribution of productive fishing grounds. Unlike the situation in other parts of Europe, these monuments were not associated with agriculture. Opinions have varied over the last quarter century, but enough is now known about changes of sea-level for his interpretation to be investigated on the ground. There seems to have been considerable diversity. On the large island of Örust some of the tombs located near to the sea appear to be associated with small natural enclosures defined by rock outcrops and may have been associated with grazing land. On the neighbouring island of Tjörn, however, the tombs were associated with small islands and important sea channels. During the Bronze Age the same areas included carvings of ships. Recent fieldwork in western Norway suggests that such locations were especially important in a maritime economy. [source]

Recent advances in the biogeography and genecology of symbiotic Frankia and its host plants

David R. Benson
Molecular phylogenetic approaches have begun to outline the origin, distribution and diversity of actinorhizal partners. Geographic isolation of Frankia and its host plants resulting from shifting continents and dispersal patterns have apparently led to the development of Frankia genotypes with differing affinities for host genera, even within the same plant family. Actinorhizal plant genera of widespread global distribution tend to nodulate readily even outside their native ranges. These taxa may maintain infective Frankia populations of considerable diversity on a broad scale. Arid environments seem to have distinctive actinorhizal partnerships, with smaller and more specific sets of Frankia symbionts. This has led to the hypothesis that some host families have taxa that are evolving towards narrow strain specificity, perhaps because of drier habitats where fewer Frankia strains would be able to survive. Harsh conditions such as water-saturated soils near lakes, swamps or bogs that are typically acidic and low in oxygen may similarly lessen the diversity of Frankia strains present in the soil, perhaps limiting the pool of frankiae available for infection locally and, at a larger scale, for natural selection of symbiotic partnerships with host plants. Recent molecular ecological studies have also provided examples of Frankia strain sorting by soil environment within higher order cluster groupings of Frankia host specificity. Future frontiers for ecological research on Frankia and actinorhizal plants include the soil ecosystem and the genome of Frankia and its hosts. [source]

Lost in Translation: A Multi-Level Case Study of the Metamorphosis of Meanings and Action in Public Sector Organizational Innovation

Catherine Pope
This paper explores the early implementation of an organizational innovation in the UK National Health Service (NHS) , Treatment Centres (TCs) , designed to dramatically reduce waiting lists for elective care. The paper draws on case studies of 8 TCs (each at varying stages of their development) and aims to explore how meanings about TCs are created and evolve, and how these meanings impact upon the development of the organizational innovation. Research on organizational meanings needs to take greater account of the fact that modern organizations like the NHS are complex multi-level phenomena, comprising layers of interlacing networks. To understand the pace, direction and impact of organizational innovation and change we need to study the interconnections between meanings across different organizational levels. The data presented in this paper show how the apparently simple, relatively unformed, concept of a TC framed by central government is translated and transmuted by subsequent layers in the health service administration, and by players in local health economies, and, ultimately, in the TCs themselves, picking up new rationales, meanings and significance as it goes along. The developmental histories of TCs reveal a range of significant re-workings of macro policy with the result that there is considerable diversity and variation between local TC schemes. The picture is of important disconnections between meanings, that in many ways mirror Weick's (1976) 'loosely coupled systems'. The emergent meanings and the direction of micro-level development of TCs appear more strongly determined by interactions within the local TC environment, notably between what we identify as groups of 'idealists', 'pragmatists', 'opportunists' and 'sceptics' than by the framing (Goffman 1974) provided by macro and meso organizational levels. While this illustrates the limitations of top down and policy-driven attempts at change, and highlights the crucial importance of the front-line local 'micro-systems' (Donaldson and Mohr 2000) in the overall scheme of implementing organizational innovations, the space or headroom provided by frames at the macro and meso levels can enable local change, albeit at variable speed and with uncertain outcomes. [source]

Sequence analysis of measles virus strains collected during the pre- and early-vaccination era in Denmark reveals a considerable diversity of ancient strains

APMIS, Issue 2 2002
L. Siig Christensen
A total of 199 serum samples from patients with measles collected in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands from 1964 to 1983 were analysed by PCR. Measles virus (MV) RNA could be detected in 38 (19%) of the samples and a total of 18 strains were subjected to partial sequence analysis of the hemagglutinin gene. The strains exhibited a considerable genomic diversity, which is at odds with the assumption that one genome type prevailed among globally circulating MV strains prior to the advent of live-attenuated vaccines. Our data indicate that the similarity of the various vaccine strains is attributed to their having originated from the same primary isolate. Consequently, it is implied that a small number of clinical manifestations of MV worldwide from which strains similar to the vaccine strain were identified were vaccine related rather than being caused by members of a persistently circulating ancient genome type. The Danish pre- and early-vaccination era MV strains seem to change the evolutionary spectrum of genome types A, C2 and E into one coherent group, suggesting that the genome types of MV strains circulating in the world at present do not represent far ranging evolutionary lineages but merely members of an evolutionary continuum of pre-vaccination era MV strains which by chance or due to an improved capability survived the worldwide partial herd immunity accomplished through vaccination. [source]

Within-population variation in social strategies characterize the social and mating system of an Australian lizard, Egernia whitii

Abstract The lizard genus Egernia has been suggested as an excellent model system for examining the evolution of sociality as it exhibits considerable diversity in social organization both between and within species. To date the majority of work examining the factors responsible for the evolution of sociality within Egernia has advocated a broad scale approach; identifying the social structure of specific species or populations and comparing the degree of sociality between them. However, we argue that significant advancements could also be gained by examining variation in social strategies within populations. Here we integrate a detailed, 3-year, field-based examination of social spacing and juvenile dispersal with molecular analyses of paternity to determine the social and mating system of a Tasmanian population of White's skink (Egernia whitii). We show that E. whitii live in small stable family groups consisting of an adult male, his female partner(s), as well as juvenile or sub-adults individuals. In addition, while the mating system is characterized by considerable genetic monogamy, extra-pair fertilizations are relatively common, with 34% of litters containing offspring sired by males from outside the social group. We also show that traits related to social organization (social group composition, group size, stability and the level of extra-pair paternity) vary both between and within individuals. We suggest that ecological factors, such as habitat saturation, quality and availability, play a key role in maintaining between individual variation in social strategies, and that examining these individual level processes will allow us to more clearly understand variation in sociality among species. [source]

Treatment choices in life threatening illness: Attitudes and preferences of elderly Australian Veterans and War Widows

Felicity Barr
Objectives: The study investigated whether older Australians would choose invasive or active treatment or palliative treatment were they to have a life threatening illness. Reasons for choice of treatment were also investigated. Methods: 109 older veterans and war widows were offered four case studies of patients with a life threatening illness. For each patient there were four treatment options with likely outcomes described. Participants were asked to put themselves in the position of the patient and to select one or more treatment option and to give reasons for their choice. Results: There was considerable diversity in choice of treatment and reasons for choice. Overall, participants were more likely to choose palliative than invasive treatments. Men, especially older men, were more likely than women to choose invasive treatments. Discussion: The study indicated that participants want to exercise choice in their treatment but that they want this to be an informed choice. [source]

The porphobilinogen synthase family of ­metalloenzymes

Eileen K. Jaffe
The porphobilinogen synthase (PBGS) family of enzymes catalyzes the first common step in the biosynthesis of the essential tetrapyrroles such as chlorophyll and porphyrin. Although PBGSs are highly conserved at all four levels of protein structure, there is considerable diversity in the use of divalent cations for the catalytically essential and allosteric roles. Assumptions regarding commonalities among the PBGS proteins coupled with the diversity of usage of metal ions has led to a confused literature. The recent publication of crystal structures for three PBGS proteins coupled with more than 50 individual PBGS sequences allows an evaluation of these assumptions. This topical review focuses on the usage of metals by the PBGS family of proteins. It raises doubt concerning a dogma that there has been an evolutionary shift between ZnII and MgII at one or more of the divalent metal-binding sites. It also raises the possibility that there may be up to four specific divalent metal ion-binding sites, each serving a unique function that can be alternatively filled by amino acids in some of the PBGSs. [source]

Four sites with contrasting environmental stress in southeastern Brazil: relations of species, life form diversity, and geographic distribution to ecophysiological parameters

Some ecophysiological parameters related to plant performance and fitness (carbon and nitrogen isotope composition and total C and N concentrations; in situ chlorophyll fluorescence measurements) were determined for over 30 species in four habitats bordering the montane Atlantic rain forest of Brazil, along a gradient of altitude and rainfall: a dry coastal forest, two areas of sandy coastal plain vegetation (restingas), and a high altitude campo. There was a considerable diversity of ecophysiological behaviour within and between the functional groups we created based on plant life-forms. For instance, both crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and C3 species were found in most life-forms sampled and throughout all habitats. Despite the variation in rainfall regimes, average overall water-use efficiency was similar between sites, particularly for C3 species, while no clear pattern regarding nitrogen-use emerged in this respect. Acute and chronic photoinhibition were found in many species across this gradient, even in CAM plants. However, on average, chronic photoinhibition and lower energy dissipation capacity were more characteristic of plants from the restinga habitats. This suggests that, although plants colonizing these habitats have evolved features to deal with water shortage, adaptation to high light levels has not been fully achieved yet. The ecophysiological performance of some individual species in distinct habitats and in distinct microhabitats within habitats is also discussed. [source]