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Selected Abstracts

Deficient Knowledge Nursing Diagnosis: Identifying the Learning Needs of Patients With Cardiac Disease

Luzia Elaine Galdeano PhD
Assistência ao paciente; avaliação de processos; conhecimento; doença das coronárias; enfermagem OBJECTIVES., To identify the learning needs of patients with cardiac disease and the aspects of the disease and anesthetic and surgical procedures about which Brazilian patients have the greatest gaps in knowledge. METHODS., Eighty preoperative patients answered a General Evaluation Questionnaire, a Questionnaire to Evaluate Patient Knowledge, and the Mini-Mental State Exam. FINDINGS., Fifty-nine patients had learning needs. More than 50% of the patients were mistaken or unable to answer questions about the disease, and the goals of and type of surgery to be performed and anesthesia to be used. CONCLUSIONS., Most patients had poor performance on the questionnaire that assessed their knowledge about coronary artery disease and its treatment. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., This study can contribute to health professionals' assessment of patients' knowledge. OBJETIVOS., Identificar as necessidades de aprendizagem de pacientes com doença cardíaca e os aspectos da doença arterial coronariana e da revascularização do miocárdio do nos quais os pacientes brasileiros apresentam conhecimento deficiente. MÉTODO., Oitenta pacientes responderam o Questionário para avaliação geral, o Questionário para avaliar o conhecimento e o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental. RESULTADOS., Cinqüenta e nove pacientes apresentaram necessidade de aprendizagem. Mais de 50% dos pacientes erraram ou não souberam responder as questões referentes ao nome da doença, aos sinais e sintomas de complicação da doença, aos objetivos e tipo de cirurgia e anestesia. CONCLUSÃO., Muitos pacientes não apresentaram bom desempenho no questionário para medir conhecimento em relação à Doença Arterial Coronária e seu tratamento. IMPLICAÇÕES PRÁTICAS., Este estudo poderá contribuir para a avaliação do conhecimento dos pacientes por profissionais da saúde. [source]

Identifying Nursing Concepts: Are We Similar?

Sharie L. Falan PhD
PURPOSE., The purpose of this article was to define and describe the fundamental aspects of similarity with application to the use of nursing terminologies. DATA SOURCES., Data were obtained from Google, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsychINFO, and PubMed using the keywords "similarity views,""similarity,""concepts and categorization," and other published sources. DATA SYNTHESIS., Three prominent similarity views were compared, contrasted, and applied to the use of nursing diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS., Each view has intentions (requirements) that guide the categorization of information to concepts and influence naming of nursing concepts. IMPLICATIONS., By understanding similarity, nurse educators and technology designers can influence how nursing concepts are represented. [source]

Prevalence of Sedentary Lifestyle in Individuals With High Blood Pressure

Nirla Gomes Guedes RN
OBJECTIVE., To identify the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle in individuals with high blood pressure. METHODS., This cross-sectional study was conducted among 310 individuals with high blood pressure. RESULTS., The prevalence of the diagnosis of sedentary lifestyle was 60%. The more common defining characteristics were "lack of physical conditioning" and "lack of practice for physical exercises." The nursing diagnosis was associated with age and presence of diabetes. Individuals who presented with a sedentary lifestyle related to lack of motivation were significantly younger. CONCLUSIONS., This study showed a high prevalence of "sedentary lifestyle" and its associations with age and the presence of diabetes. IMPLICATIONS TO NURSING PRACTICE., The acknowledgement of "sedentary lifestyle" contributes to the choice for nursing interventions that promote physical activity centered on the subject and the surroundings. [source]

The Use of Nursing Diagnoses in Perioperative Documentation

Kristiina Junttila PhD
Hoitotyön kirjaaminen; hoitotyön diagnoosit; perioperatiivinen hoitotyö; Perioperative Nursing Data Set PURPOSE., To clinically validate the nursing diagnoses of the first Finnish version of Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) by using them in perioperative documentation. METHODS., Nursing diagnoses were used in documentation in four operating departments with 250 patients. In analysis, nonparametric tests were applied. FINDINGS., While intraoperatively nursing diagnoses focused on physiological concerns, postoperatively the focus shifted to that of recovery. CONCLUSIONS., The findings revealed the importance of safety-related routines in perioperative care. Nursing diagnoses in the Finnish version of PNDS are sensitive in describing the rationales for perioperative care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Nursing classifications illustrate the nursing process in a structured form. Nursing diagnosis is an early step in the decision-making process that aims to achieve expected outcomes in nursing care. TARKOITUS:, Validoida PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermit käyttämällä niitä perioperatiivisen hoitotyön kirjaamisessa. MENETELMÄT:, Hoitotyön diagnooseja käytettiin kirjaamisessa 250 potilaan kohdalla. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin ei-parametrisiä testejä. TULOKSET:, Hoidon intraoperatiivisessa vaiheessa korostuvat potilaan fysiologiaan liittyvät ja postoperatiivisessa vaiheessa potilaan toipumiseen liittyvät hoitotyön diagnoosit. JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET:, Perioperatiivisessa hoitotyössä painottuvat potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen tähtäävät rutiinit. PNDS-luokituksen suomalaisen version diagnoositermejä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan leikkauspotilaiden hoidon tarpeita. TULOSTEN HYÖDYNNETTÄVYYS:, Hoitotyön prosessia voidaan kuvata rakenteisesti hoitotyön luokituksilla. Hoitotyön diagnoosin määrittäminen on osa päätöksentekoprosessia tavoitteena tunnistaa ja saavuttaa toivotut tulokset potilaan hoidossa. [source]

An Educational Strategy for Teaching Standardized Nursing Languages

Arlene T. Farren RN, CTN-A
PURPOSE., The aim of this paper is to describe an educational strategy for teaching standardized nursing languages (SNL) used in both the classroom and clinical components of a psychiatric,mental health nursing course at the associate degree level. DATA SOURCES., Data included a review of the relevant literature, teaching experiences, and faculty and student experiences. DATA SYNTHESIS., Enhancing associate degree student nurses' competency regarding diagnosis and interventions is essential to influence positive health outcomes. Use of diagnostic, outcome, and intervention classifications for learning nursing care promotes critical thinking, individualization of nursing care, and students' fluency with SNL. One possible teaching strategy to assist students to learn and use SNL was implemented through the use of a faculty-developed Student Nurse Documentation Packet. CONCLUSIONS., The educational strategy provided students opportunities to enhance their experience with the SNL to plan and document care of individuals experiencing psychiatric,mental health problems. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING., The educational strategy used in this program was judged to be successful. Research is needed to provide empirical evidence of the efficacy of this pedagogical strategy for increasing knowledge and enhancing students' competency. [source]

Determining Critical Incident Nursing Interventions for the Critical Care Setting: A Pilot Study

Elizabeth Wong CRNA
PURPOSE., The purpose of this research survey was to determine which Adult Critical Care Core Nursing Interventions (ACCCNIs) in the Nursing Interventions Classification constitutes a critical incident nursing intervention (CINI). A CINI is defined as any indirect or direct care registered nurse (RN)-initiated treatment performed in response to a life-threatening nursing diagnosis. METHODS., A list of ACCCNIs were sent to 50 critical care RNs in two survey rounds. Responses >80% for each ACCCNI was determined to be a CINI. FINDINGS., Forty-one ACCCNIs were determined to be CINIs. CONCLUSIONS., It is recommended that CINIs be included as a separate Nursing Intervention Classification category to reflect current nursing practice. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., CINIs can enhance RN competency, education, and vigilance, thereby preventing or decreasing the number of deaths that occur from critical incidents. [source]

Using Nursing Interventions Classification as a Framework to Revise the Belgian Nursing Minimum Data Set

Koen Van den Heede PhD
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC); Minimale Verpleegkundige Gegevens; ontwikkeling van consensus PURPOSE., To develop the revised Belgian nursing minimum data set (B-NMDS). METHODS., The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC, 2nd edition) was used as a framework. Six expert nurse panels (cardiology, oncology, intensive care, pediatrics, geriatrics, chronic care) were consulted. Seventy-nine panelists completed standardized e-mail questionnaires and discussed results in face-to-face meetings. FINDINGS., We initially selected 256 of 433 NIC interventions. After panel discussions, plenary meetings, and pretesting, the revised B-NMDS (alpha version) contained 79 items covering 22 NIC classes and 196 NIC interventions. CONCLUSIONS., Consensus building promoted acceptance of the B-NMDS, while the NIC provided a good theoretical basis and guaranteed international comparability. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., The revised B-NMDS instrument can be used to visualize nursing activities in different applications (e.g., financing, staffing allocation). DOELSTELLING., Ontwikkeling van een nieuwe versie van de Minimale Verpleegkundige Gegevens (MVG). METHODE., De Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC, 2nd editie) werd gebruikt als raamwerk. Zes experten panels (cardiologie, oncologie, intensieve zorgen, pediatrie, geriatrie, chronische zorg) werden geraadpleegd. Zeven-en-negentig panelleden vulden gestandaardiseerde e-mail vragenlijsten in en bediscussieerden de resultaten in werkgroepvergaderingen. RESULTATEN., We selecteerden initieel 256 van de 433 NIC-interventies. Na panel-discussies, plenaire vergaderingen, en pre-tests, bevatte de herziene MVG (alpha versie) 79 items uit 22 NIC klassen en 196 NIC-interventies. CONCLUSIES., Het draagvlak voor de herziene versie van MVG werd gecreëerd door het nastreven van consensus. Het gebruik van NIC vormde hierbij een geode theoretische basis en verhoogt het internationaal karakter van de nieuwe MVG. IMPLICATIES VOOR DE VERPLEEGKUNDIGE PRAKTIJK., De nieuwe MVG kan gebruikt worden om de dagelijkse verpleegkundige praktijk zichtbaar te maken in verschillende beleidsdomeinen (e.g., financiering, toewijzing personeel). [source]

Novel Nursing Terminologies for the Rapid Response System

Elizabeth Wong CRNA
PURPOSE., Nursing terminology with implications for the rapid response system (RRS) is introduced and proposed: critical incident nursing diagnosis (CIND), defined as the recognition of an acute life-threatening event that occurs as a result of disease, surgery, treatment, or medication; critical incident nursing intervention, defined as any indirect or direct care registered nurse-initiated treatment, based upon clinical judgment and knowledge that a registered nurse performs in response to a CIND; and critical incident control, defined as a response that attempts to reverse a life-threatening condition. DATA SOURCES., The current literature, research studies, meta-analyses from a variety of disciplines, and personal clinical experience serve as the data sources for this article. DATA SYNTHESIS., The current nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions, and nursing outcomes listed in the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International Classification, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), respectively, are inaccurate or inadequate for describing nursing care during life-threatening situations. The lack of such standardized nursing terminology creates a barrier that may impede critical communication and patient care during life-threatening situations when activating the RRS. CONCLUSIONS., The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International Classification, NIC, and NOC are urged to refine their classifications and include CIND, critical incident nursing intervention, and critical incident control. The RRS should incorporate standardized nursing terminology to describe patient care during life-threatening situations. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE., Refining the diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes classifications will permit nursing researchers, among others, to conduct studies on the efficacy of the proposed novel nursing terminology when providing care to patients during life-threatening situations. In addition, including the proposed novel nursing terminology in the RRS offers a means of improving care in such situations. [source]

Evaluation of the Implementation of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes

Maria Müller-Staub PhD
PURPOSE.,This paper aims to provide insight into nursing classifications and to report the effects of nursing diagnostics implementation. This paper summarizes the results of six studies. METHODS.,Two systematic reviews, instrument development and testing, a pre,post intervention study, and a cluster-randomized trial were performed. FINDINGS.,The NANDA International classification met most of the literature-based classification criteria, and results showed the Quality of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes (Q-DIO) to be a reliable instrument to measure the documented quality of nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. Implementation of standardized nursing language significantly improved the quality of documented nursing diagnoses, related interventions, and patient outcomes. As a follow-up measure, Guided Clinical Reasoning (GCR) was effective in supporting nurses' clinical reasoning skills. CONCLUSIONS.,Carefully implementing classifications led to enhanced, accurately stated nursing diagnoses, more effective nursing interventions, and better patient outcomes. IMPLICATIONS.,Rethinking implementation methods for standardized language and using GCR is recommended. Based on the results of this study, the inclusion of NANDA International diagnoses with related interventions and outcomes in electronic health records is suggested. [source]

Diagnoses and Interventions Pertinent to Intellectual Disability Nursing§

Fintan K. Sheerin BNS, PgDipEd
PURPOSE.,The field of intellectual disability care in Ireland has been undergoing significant change, and this has called into question the role of specialist intellectual disability nursing. This review aims to identify the diagnoses and interventions that are employed by intellectual disability nurses. DATA SOURCES.,Exploration of the relevant professional literature, drawing on a broad scope of sources, was completed. DATA SYNTHESIS.,Examination and discussion within the taxonomic structure of the Nursing Interventions Classification. CONCLUSIONS.,Initial data set of diagnoses and interventions identified as a basis and justification for further systematic examination of specialist intellectual disability nursing practice. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE.,Explication and elaboration of the contribution of specialist nursing within intellectual disability care settings. CUSPÓIR.,D'aistrigh a lán rudaí sna cúram le daoine faoi mhíchumas intleachtach, in Eireann. Dá bharr sin, tháinig ceisteanna faoi páirt den banaltracht speisialta faoi mhíchumas intleachtach. Lorg an athbhreithniú seo cur ceist ar na fáthmheasa agus na headrána den speisialtóir san banaltract le daoine faoi mhíchumas intleachtach. FOINSÍ AN FAISNÉIS.,Taiscealaíocht den litríocht gairmiúil atáábhartha den ábhar. SINTÉIS AN FAISNÉIS.,Scrúdú agus suaitheadh sna cabhail den Nursing Interventions Classification. TÁTAIL.,Foireann na sonraí faoi na fáthmheasa agus na headrána chun scrúdaigh cleachtas den banaltracht speisialta faoi mhíchumas intleachtach. IMPLEACHTAÍ FAOI CLEACHTAS DEN BANALTRACHT.,sMíniú agus saothrú faoi dréacht den speisialtóir san banaltract le daoine faoi mhíchumas intleachtach sna seirbhís sláinte. [source]

Coining and Defining Novel Nursing Terminology.

Part 1: Critical Incident Nursing Diagnosis
PURPOSE.,In the first of a three-part series, a novel nursing terminology is introduced and proposed for inclusion in the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) International Classification,Critical incident nursing diagnosis (CIND),defined as the recognition of an acute life-threatening event that occurs as a result of disease, surgery, treatment, or medication. DATA SOURCES.,The literature, research studies, and meta-analyses from a variety of disciplines, and personal clinical experience serve as the data sources for this article. DATA SYNTHESIS.,The current nursing diagnoses in the NANDA International Classification are inaccurate or inadequate for describing nursing care during life-threatening situations. The lack of standardized nursing terminology creates a barrier that may impede critical communication and patient care during life-threatening situations. CONCLUSIONS.,Coining and defining a novel nursing terminology, CIND, for patient care during life-threatening situations are important and fill the gap in the current standardized nursing terminology. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE.,Refining the NANDA International Classification will permit nursing researchers, among others, to conduct studies on nursing diagnoses in conjunction with the proposed novel nursing terminology: CIND. Parts 2 and 3 of this series will propose additional nursing terminology: critical incident nursing intervention and critical incident control, respectively. [source]

Accuracy and Efficiency of Computer-Aided Nursing Diagnosis

Sachiko Kurashima MSN
PURPOSE.,This study aims to determine whether a computer-aided nursing (CAN) diagnosis system improves diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. METHODS.,A randomized crossover trial was performed using two kinds of case studies with 42 nurses as subjects. The subjects were divided into a group using the CAN diagnosis system and a group using a handbook of nursing diagnosis. Degree of accuracy was judged by using Lunney's seven-point interval scale, while efficiency was evaluated by time required for diagnosis. FINDINGS.,There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of diagnostic accuracy; however, time required for diagnosis was significantly shorter for subjects who used the CAN diagnosis system than for those who did not. Multiple regression analysis showed that the use of the CAN diagnosis system was the only factor associated with the time required for making the nursing diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS.,The use of the CAN diagnosis system improved the efficiency of the diagnostic process without reducing the level of accuracy of nursing diagnoses. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The use of a computerized system should be a useful tool for implementation of standardized nursing terminologies. [source]

A Conceptual Model for Nursing Information

Rodney Hughes MSc
PURPOSE.,This Conceptual Model for Nursing Information describes the core activities of nursing, the collection of information about these activities, and argues that these activities must be described using standardized nursing languages. DATA SOURCES.,Relevant literature, both national and international, was reviewed and summarized. DATA SYNTHESIS.,A maximum data set for nursing was developed. CONCLUSIONS.,In the United Kingdom, a new and radical approach to the process of nursing is required; one that demonstrates that nursing is the decision-making that takes place in all core activities of nursing. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE.,Unless nurses have a clear view of what the profession requires from technological solutions for the recording of nursing activities, less than optimal solutions will be forced upon the profession. [source]

Measuring the Dose of Nursing Intervention

David Reed PhD
PURPOSE.,To increase awareness of the many issues involved in measuring the dose of nursing intervention in nursing interventions effectiveness research. METHODS.,Identify critical issues in measurement of the dose of nursing intervention and discuss decisions regarding dosage measurement made in a study of the effectiveness of nursing interventions. FINDINGS.,A single method can be applied to resolve two critical issues in intervention dosage measurement. CONCLUSIONS.,Those conducting nursing interventions effectiveness research must think explicitly about how intervention dosage will be measured and reported so that dosage can be replicated in research and practice. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,,Measuring and reporting the dose of nursing intervention in research is essential to the development of an evidence base adequate to support practice. [source]

A Dialogue on the Future of Nursing Practice

APRN-BC, Mary Ann Lavin ScD
PURPOSE.,The challenges of health care; its safety, effectiveness, and efficiency; the quality of care; and the outcomes patients experience are issues central to nursing practice. This centrality needs to be affirmed as the profession shapes its practice over the next 50 years. The purpose of this article is to initiate a dialogue on the future of nursing practice. METHODS.,The methods used are observation, reflection, dialogue, and proposed actions. FINDINGS.,The results of this process are preliminary. They suggest that the establishment of nursing hospitals is a distinct possibility. CONCLUSIONS.,This article concludes with a series of arguments for and against this position along with an invitation for your participation in this dialogue. NURSING IMPLICATIONS.,The major implications of this article are not "nursing" implications per se but client and patient implications and the future contribution of nursing to improved health and patient care. [source]

Contamination: Nursing Diagnoses with Outcome and Intervention Linkages

Laura V. Polk DNSc
PURPOSE.,To relate the collaborative processes involved in the evolution of environmental nursing diagnoses and the linkages between two new nursing diagnoses and their associated interventions and outcomes; to describe the environmental health implications of contamination. DATA SOURCES.,Published research articles, official reports, textbooks, and collaborative discussion with experts in community and global health. DATA SYNTHESIS.,Reflection following review of the literature and collaboration with experts led to the development of a new schema for environmental diagnoses and development of two new diagnoses, allowing for greater clarity and distinction between the contamination diagnoses and risk for poisoning diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS.,An environmental nursing diagnosis schema, with its emphasis on contamination, infection, and violence, provides nurses with a holistic framework for making judgments about environmental influences related to individual, family, community, and global health. The diagnoses of Contamination and Risk for Contamination provide necessary language to describe human responses and risk states that may arise following exposure to environmental contaminants. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Development of environmental diagnostic labels and delineation of the linkages to nursing outcomes and interventions will allow nurses to take active roles in identifying environmental components that affect health and planning care that responds to environmental health needs. Greater clarity in the use of language will allow nurses to incorporate environmental concepts appropriately in nursing assessments and improve the accuracy of the diagnostic process and selection of distinct interventions and outcomes. This will result in better outcomes for patients and communities and permit greater accountability of nursing's contribution to environmental health. [source]

Using NANDA, NIC, and NOC (NNN) Language for Clinical Reasoning With the Outcome-Present State-Test (OPT) Model

CRRN-A, Donald D. Kautz RN
PURPOSE.,To analyze the degree to which standardized nursing language was used by baccalaureate nursing students completing Outcome-Present State-Test (OPT) model worksheets in a clinical practicum. METHODS.,A scoring instrument was developed and 100 worksheets were retrospectively analyzed. FINDINGS.,NANDA nursing diagnoses were correctly stated in 92% of the OPT models. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) outcomes were explicitly stated in 22%, and implied in 72%. Interventions matched appropriate Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) activities in 61%. CONCLUSIONS.,NANDA, NIC, and NOC (NNN) language was used inconsistently by students in this sample. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE.,If NNN language is to advance nursing knowledge, its promotion, representation in curriculum development, and active use is necessary. Educational research is needed on the facilitators and barriers to NNN language use. [source]

Nursing Diagnoses in a Brazilian Intensive Care Unit

Amália De Fátima Lucena
PURPOSE.,To identify the nursing diagnoses and their most frequent related factors or risk factors in patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). METHOD.,Descriptive cross-sectional study with information from 991 admissions to an ICU during a 6-month period. FINDINGS.,Sixteen nursing diagnoses resulting from hospitalization were most frequently identified; six had percentages greater than 40% with 29 related/risk factors. The resulting averages were 6.9 diagnoses per hospitalization and 1.2 related/risk factors per nursing diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS.,The nursing diagnoses identified seemed to be common to the clinical practice of nursing and their fundamental related/risk factors to precise clinical judgment, thus providing a basis for interventions for a desired outcome. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,The findings have contributed to the development of the standardized nursing language usage in Brazilian nursing practices. Diagnósticos de Enfermagem em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Brasileira OBJETIVO.,Identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem e os seus fatores relacionados/risco mais freqüentemente estabelecidos aos pacientes internados numa unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). MÉTODO.,Estudo descritivo, transversal, com informações de 991 admissões numa UTI, durante seis meses. RESULTADOS.,Dezesseis diagnósticos de enfermagem foram mais freqüentes, seis deles com percentuais acima de 40% por internação e com 29 fatores relacionados ou de risco. As médias foram de 6,9 diagnósticos de enfermagem por internação e 1,2 fatores relacionados ou de risco por diagnóstico de enfermagem. CONCLUSÕES.,Os diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados parecem ser comuns à prática clínica de enfermagem e os seus fatores relacionados ou de risco fundamentais ao julgamento clínico preciso, que subsidia à escolha da intervenção para um resultado esperado. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA.,Os resultados têm colaborado para o desenvolvimento do uso da linguagem padronizada de enfermagem no Brasil. [source]

Content Validation of Parental Role Conflict in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Elenice Valentim Carmona MN
PURPOSE.,To validate the content of the nursing diagnosis parental role conflict made by neonatal intensive care (NICU) nurses and researchers in the field and to identify the related major and minor defining characteristics. METHOD.,Fehring's Diagnostic Content Validation model using 59 neonatal specialists. FINDINGS.,Nineteen defining characteristics were validated for use in NICUs: four were considered major and 15 as minor. There was no correlation between nurse profiles and defining characteristic scores. CONCLUSIONS.,In this study, parental role conflict was validated for use in neonatal units but defining characteristics must be described in a clearer and more objective manner. NURSING IMPLICATIONS.,Validation studies in different healthcare settings are required so that the specificities of each clientele are met. NANDA diagnoses must be tested and validated at neonatal units, because this setting has developed few studies and their use in practice is a potential way to improve nursing care. [source]

Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions of Japanese Patients with End-Stage Breast Cancer Admitted for Different Care Purposes

Chie Ogasawara RN
PURPOSE.,To clarify actual nursing diagnoses for and interventions given to patients with end-stage breast cancer admitted for different care purposes. METHODS.,Nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics, related/risk factors, and nursing interventions were analyzed in a convenience sample of 150 patient records. FINDINGS.,A total of 539 nursing diagnoses (96 labels) were documented. Frequently listed diagnoses were chronic pain, risk for infection, and activity intolerance. The most frequently used nursing diagnosis for the chemotherapy group was risk for infection. The nurses in this study rarely report any diagnoses related to death and dying. CONCLUSIONS.,Nursing diagnoses and interventions differed depending on the purpose of admission. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Oncology nurses need to consider the reasons for admission when making nursing diagnoses and interventions for patients with end-stage breast cancer. [source]

Development of Two Search Strategies for Literature in MEDLINE,PubMed: Nursing Diagnoses in the Context of Evidence-Based Nursing

Almuth Berg Dipl.-PGW
PURPOSE.,To develop and validate search filters for MEDLINE via PubMed according to two categories of the NLINKS-EBN matrix. METHODS.,The search results of the search filters were compared to a gold standard. FINDINGS.,The usage of nursing classification terms for the literature search in evidence-based nursing (EBN) is still limited because taxonomies are neither widely used in nursing literature nor applied for indexing by MEDLINE. The proposed filters achieved a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 94% for "secondary data" and a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 73% for "diagnostic tests." CONCLUSIONS.,The usage of database-specific search filters are a reliable and valid method to search for nursing classification terms in medical databases. [source]

Autism and Vaccination,The Current Evidence

Lisa Miller MD
PURPOSE., The purpose of this article is to review relevant background literature regarding the evidence linking thimerosal-containing vaccine and the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine to autism. CONCLUSIONS., Rigorous scientific studies have not identified links between autism and either thimerosal-containing vaccine or the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS., Nurses are often in the position of providing advice regarding vaccines in their formal practice areas as well as in their daily lives. Families need current and credible evidence to make decisions for their children. Excellent vaccine information resources are available online. [source]

Learning to Support Children With Complex and Continuing Health Needs and Their Families

Helen Farasat
PURPOSE.,This paper reports on the evaluation of a pilot placement for preregistration child health nursing students focused on supporting children with complex needs in their homes. CONCLUSIONS.,This type of placement can be beneficial in enabling students to develop practical skills, attitudes, and values that will assist them to provide appropriate support for this client group. The pilot placement clarified some of the major organizational and practical issues that must be considered. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Developing opportunities for preregistration nursing students to learn to support children with complex needs and their families is possible and potentially beneficial. [source]

Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Wendy Ward-Begnoche
PURPOSE.,Children who experience acute injury or illness severe enough to result in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay are at risk for posttraumatic stress symptoms, as are their parents. A distinction is made between injury-related traumatic events, illness-related traumatic events, and treatment-related traumatic events, all of which contribute to this risk. CONCLUSIONS.,This paper reviews what the PICU experience is like for children and their parents, the emerging literature on posttraumatic stress symptoms in PICU patients and their parents, and current knowledge regarding risk and resiliency factors for these children. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,Children hospitalized in the PICU should be monitored for posttraumatic stress disorder during and after their stay. Risk and resiliency factors are a focus for practice and for future research. [source]

Assessing Emergency Preparedness of Families Caring for Young Children With Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses

Lynda G. Stallwood
PURPOSE.,To help children with chronic illnesses and their caregivers assess emergency preparedness. CONCLUSIONS.,Little work has been done to ascertain patient adherence levels to these recommendations. Additionally, little is known about the seeking patterns of healthcare providers and/or changes in interventions based on certain elements of emergency preparedness, such as the presence of medical alert identification and an emergency kit. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.,,Healthcare providers must discover their patients' level of emergency preparedness and facilitate the acquisition and implementation of elements of emergency preparedness that meet their patients' needs. [source]

Relations Among Social Support, Burnout, and Experiences of Anger: An Investigation Among Emergency Nurses

NURSING FORUM, Issue 3 2009
Müge Ersoy-Kart PhD
BACKGROUND., The aim of the present study was to determine whether social support, burnout, and anger expression are related with each other among emergency nurses working in private- or public-sector hospitals. DESIGN AND SAMPLE., The sample consisted of 100 emergency nurses working in the private or public sector in Ankara, Turkey. The Maslach Burnout Inventory, The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and The Trait-Anger and Anger Expression Scale were used. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS., The results demonstrated that social support did not differentiate among the nurses working in the private sector or in the public sector according to the burnout subscales' scores. However, nurses in the private sector find it more difficult to express their anger. The state-trait anger levels of the nurses differ according to the burnout levels and also according to the sector that they are working in. The congruence between this study's findings and the literature is discussed. [source]

Concept Analysis: Malpractice and Modern-Day Nursing Practice

NURSING FORUM, Issue 1 2009
Konstantine Keian Weld BSN (RN)
TOPIC.,The concept of malpractice can mean different things depending upon the context in which the term is used. This can lead to confusion about the standard of care required for nurses engaged in modern-day nursing practice. PURPOSE.,This paper examines the attributes and characteristics of the concept of malpractice using Walker and Avant's (2005) eight-step methodology. SOURCES OF INFORMATION.,CINAHL, PubMed, and PsychINFO. CONCLUSIONS.,Exposure to malpractice liability is an unfortunate consequence of modern-day nursing practice. An understanding of malpractice will assist nurses in identifying situations that may expose them to legal liability and hopefully lead to improved patient care. [source]

Going the Extra Mile: Beyond Health Teaching to Political Involvement

NURSING FORUM, Issue 4 2008
Susan J. Wold PhD
TOPIC.,Addressing community health problems through political involvement. PURPOSE AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION.,This article describes how a group of RN,BSN students completing an assigned community-assessment and health-teaching project in a small, rural, southern county exceeded course requirements to address a significant community health problem. Specifically, after documenting a high rate of dental caries among local children and consulting with state officials and other experts, these students involved themselves in local politics in an effort to persuade county officials to implement community water fluoridation. CONCLUSIONS.,These RN,BSN students successfully demonstrated their ability to move beyond a focus on individuals to embrace the concept of community as client. In the process, they honed their skills in advocacy, communication, and political involvement, and achieved all of their BSN program's objectives. [source]

Feeling Misunderstood: A Concept Analysis

NURSING FORUM, Issue 4 2008
Barbara Backer Condon MS
TOPIC.,Feeling misunderstood. PURPOSE.,The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of feeling misunderstood to explicate the antecedents, attributes, and consequences of this phenomenon. SOURCE.,A comprehensive review of literature, from 1957 to 2005, was completed with the keywords feeling misunderstood to guide the search. CONCLUSIONS.,Three defining attributes of feeling misunderstood were identified: (a) disquietude; (b) discordant perceptions; and (c) heightened cognizance of emotions. Antecedents, including presence of an issue, communication barrier, and unexpected response from receiver, are explicated, along with the consequences, or transformations in behavior. [source]

Authenticity: A Concept Analysis

NURSING FORUM, Issue 2 2008
Sharon S. Starr MSN
TOPIC.,Concept analysis of authenticity. PURPOSE.,This paper aims to analyze the concept of authenticity and propose a definition of authenticity that can be used to enhance the nurse,client relationship. SOURCES.,Published research. CONCLUSIONS.,Authenticity is a life-long process of self-discovery that includes realizing personal potential and acting on that potential. A part of this process is accepting the responsibility for and the consequences of life choices that are consciously or unconsciously made. This is sometimes achieved through suffering. This process culminates in a demonstration of congruency in ideals, values, and actions in relation to self and others. [source]