Competitive Labour Market (competitive + labour_market)

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Selected Abstracts

Do Firms Share their Success with Workers?

ECONOMICA, Issue 280 2003
The Response of Wages to Product Market Conditions
We provide new evidence that industry financial conditions help determine wages in the US manufacturing sector. Ordinary least squares estimates of the effect of rents per worker on wages are significantly positive, but quite small. We show that this may stem from econometric difficulties that plague the OLS estimates. Using the US input,output tables to isolate demand shocks, we overcome these issues and identify the effects of the industry financial situation on wages. Our IV estimates reveal substantial rent sharing,much more than is consistent with a purely competitive labour market. [source]

"We have a little bit more finesse, as a nation": Constructing the Polish Worker in London's Building Sites

ANTIPODE, Issue 3 2009
Ayona Datta
Abstract:, This paper examines how male Polish builders in London construct themselves relationally to English builders as they negotiate their place within the labour hierarchies of the building site and in the London labour market. This is based on semi-structured interviews and participant photographs taken by Polish migrants arriving in the aftermath of the European Union expansion in May 2004, and now working in building sites across London. These buildings sites are mundane elements of a global city which employ transnational labour, and where differences between Polish and English builders become significant discursive tools of survival in a competitive labour market. The paper illustrates how Polish workers mark themselves as "superior" to English builders through the versatility of their embodied skills, work ethic, artistic qualities, and finesse in their social interactions on the building site. This paper thus provides new ways of understanding the meanings of work and the complexity of identity politics within the spaces of low-paid manual work in a global city. [source]

Optimal Factor Taxation under Wage Bargaining: A Dynamic Perspective

Erkki Koskela
Optimal taxation; imperfectly competitive labour markets; capital accumulation Abstract. We consider the issue of steady-state optimal factor taxation in a Ramsey-type dynamic general equilibrium setting with two distinct distortions: (i) taxes on capital and labour are the only available tax instruments for raising revenues and (ii) labour markets are subject to an inefficiency resulting from wage bargaining. If considered in isolation, the two distortions create conflicting demands on the wage tax, while calling for a zero capital tax. By combining the two distortions, we arrive at the conclusion that both instruments should be used, implying that the zero capital tax result in general is no longer valid under imperfectly competitive labour markets. [source]

Progressive Taxes and the Labour Market: Is the Trade,off Between Equality and Efficiency Inevitable?

Knut Rĝed
Does an income tax harm economic efficiency more the more progressive it is? Public economics provides a strong case for a definite ,yes'. But at least three forces may pull in the other direction. First, low,wage workers may on average have more elastic labour supply schedules than high,wage workers, in which case progressive taxes contribute to a more efficient allocation of the total tax burden. Second, in non,competitive labour markets, progressive taxes may encourage wage moderation, and hence reduce the equilibrium level of unemployment. And third, if wage setters have egalitarian objectives, progressive taxes may reduce the need for redistribution in pre,tax wages, and hence increase the demand for low,skilled workers. This paper surveys the theoretical, as well as the empirical literature about labour supply, taxes and wage setting. We conclude that in a second best world, the trade,off between equality and efficiency is not always inevitable. [source]