Clearwater Lake (clearwater + lake)

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Selected Abstracts

Characterization of bacterial communities in four freshwater lakes differing in nutrient load and food web structure

Katleen van der Gucht
Abstract The phylogenetic composition of bacterioplankton communities in the water column of four shallow eutrophic lakes was analyzed by partially sequencing cloned 16S rRNA genes and by PCR-DGGE analysis. The four lakes differed in nutrient load and food web structure: two were in a clearwater state and had dense stands of submerged macrophytes, while two others were in a turbid state characterized by the occurrence of phytoplankton blooms. One turbid and one clearwater lake had very high nutrient levels (total phosphorus > 100 ,g/l), while the other lakes were less nutrient rich (total phosphorus < 100,g/l). Cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling and ANOSIM (analysis of similarity) were used to investigate differences among the bacterial community composition in the four lakes. Our results show that each lake has its own distinct bacterioplankton community. The samples of lake Blankaart differed substantially from those of the other lakes; this pattern was consistent throughout the year of study. The bacterioplankton community composition in lake Blankaart seems to be less diverse and less stable than in the other three lakes. Clone library results reveal that Actinobacteria strongly dominated the bacterial community in lake Blankaart. The relative abundance of Betaproteobacteria was low, whereas this group was dominant in the other three lakes. Turbid lakes had a higher representation of Cyanobacteria, while clearwater lakes were characterized by more representatives of the Bacteroidetes. Correlating our DGGE data with environmental parameters, using the BIOENV procedure, suggests that differences are partly related to the equilibrium state of the lake. [source]

How well can the fatty acid content of lake seston be predicted from its taxonomic composition?

Abstract 1. Results from the few field studies that have tried to relate seston taxonomic and fatty acid (FA) composition suggest that phytoplankton composition only partially explains seston FA composition. However, in these studies, the heterotrophic components of seston (i.e. bacteria and heterotrophic protists) have not been accounted for. 2. The general premise of this article was that including the contribution of heterotrophs to seston biomass can improve understanding of the variability in seston FA composition. This was tested for an oligotrophic clearwater lake, in which the taxonomic and FA compositions of seston, fractionated into three size classes, were monitored every 2 weeks over a growth season. The relationship between seston taxonomic and FA composition was studied using canonical correlation analyses. 3. Because of their relative richness in branched FA and lack of highly unsaturated FAs (HUFA) compared to autotrophs and other protists, the contribution of bacteria to seston biomass was shown to explain an important part of the differences in FA composition between the different seston size classes. Phytoplankton seasonal succession also affected the FA composition of seston but only for size classes that were dominated by autotrophs. 4. The results also indicated that heterotrophic protists such as ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates might substantially influence the seston FA, and especially, HUFA, composition. 5. The per cent of variability in seston FA composition that was explained by its taxonomic composition was still relatively low, even when taking account of heterotrophs. Hence, other possible influences, such as phytoplankton species composition, physiological state and the contribution of terrestrial detritus, need investigation. [source]

Characterization of bacterial communities in four freshwater lakes differing in nutrient load and food web structure

Katleen van der Gucht
Abstract The phylogenetic composition of bacterioplankton communities in the water column of four shallow eutrophic lakes was analyzed by partially sequencing cloned 16S rRNA genes and by PCR-DGGE analysis. The four lakes differed in nutrient load and food web structure: two were in a clearwater state and had dense stands of submerged macrophytes, while two others were in a turbid state characterized by the occurrence of phytoplankton blooms. One turbid and one clearwater lake had very high nutrient levels (total phosphorus > 100 ,g/l), while the other lakes were less nutrient rich (total phosphorus < 100,g/l). Cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling and ANOSIM (analysis of similarity) were used to investigate differences among the bacterial community composition in the four lakes. Our results show that each lake has its own distinct bacterioplankton community. The samples of lake Blankaart differed substantially from those of the other lakes; this pattern was consistent throughout the year of study. The bacterioplankton community composition in lake Blankaart seems to be less diverse and less stable than in the other three lakes. Clone library results reveal that Actinobacteria strongly dominated the bacterial community in lake Blankaart. The relative abundance of Betaproteobacteria was low, whereas this group was dominant in the other three lakes. Turbid lakes had a higher representation of Cyanobacteria, while clearwater lakes were characterized by more representatives of the Bacteroidetes. Correlating our DGGE data with environmental parameters, using the BIOENV procedure, suggests that differences are partly related to the equilibrium state of the lake. [source]

Relationships between picophytoplankton and environmental variables in lakes along a gradient of water colour and nutrient content

Stina Drakare
SUMMARY 1. Biomass and production of picophytoplankton, phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacterioplankton were measured in seven lakes, exhibiting a broad range in water colour because of humic substances. The aim of the study was to identify environmental variables explaining the absolute and relative importance of picophytoplankton. In addition, two dystrophic lakes were fertilised with inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen, to test eventual nutrient limitation of picophytoplankton in these systems. 2. Picophytoplankton biomass and production were highest in lakes with low concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and DOC proved the factor explaining most variation in picophytoplankton biomass and production. The relationship between picophytoplankton and lake trophy was negative, most likely because much P was bound in humic complexes. Picophytoplankton biomass decreased after the additions of P and N. 3. Compared with heterotrophic bacterioplankton, picophytoplankton were most successful at the clearwater end of the lake water colour gradient. Phytoplankton dominated over heterotrophic bacteria in the clearwater systems possibly because heterotrophic bacteria in such lakes are dependent on organic carbon produced by phytoplankton. 4. Compared with other phytoplankton, picophytoplankton did best at intermediate DOC concentrations; flagellates dominated in the humic lakes and large autotrophic phytoplankton in the clearwater lakes. 5. Picophytoplankton were not better competitors than large phytoplankton in situations when heterotrophic bacteria had access to a non-algal carbon source. Neither did their small size lead to picophytoplankton dominance over large phytoplankton in the clearwater lakes. Possible reasons include the ability of larger phytoplankton to float or swim to reduce sedimentation losses and to acquire nutrients by phagotrophy. [source]