Clinical Phenomenon (clinical + phenomenon)

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Selected Abstracts

Headache and Psychological Functioning in Children and Adolescents

HEADACHE, Issue 9 2006
Scott W. Powers PhD
Headache can affect all aspects of a child's functioning, leading to negative affective states (eg, anxiety, depression, anger) and increased psychosocial problems (for instance, school absences, problematic social interactions). For children and adolescents who experience frequent headache problems, comorbid psychological issues are a well-recognized, but poorly understood, clinical phenomenon. The confusion surrounding the relationship between pediatric headache and psychopathology exists for several reasons. First, in some cases, headache has been inappropriately attributed to psychological or personality features based on anecdotal observations or interpretations that go beyond the available data. Additionally, measures of psychopathology have not always adhered to the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic criteria, thus reducing the reliability of diagnostic judgments. Furthermore, the diagnosis of headache has not always followed standard criteria, and has been complicated by the emergence of new terms and evolving measures. Finally, methodological shortcomings, such as incomplete descriptions of the procedures and criteria used for the study, inadequate descriptions of headache severity, lack of a control group for comparison with individuals without headaches, reliance primarily on cross-sectional research designs that are often discussed with inferences to causal hypotheses, and the use of unstandardized assessment measures, have significantly limited the validity of research findings. The goal of the current review is to examine the extant literature to provide the most up-to-date picture on what the research has made available about the magnitude, specificity, and causes of psychopathology in children and adolescents with headache, in an effort to further elucidate their relationship and prompt a more methodologically rigorous study of these issues. [source]

Mirror neurons and embodied simulation in the development of archetypes and self-agency

Jean Knox
Abstract:, In this paper I explore the role of mirror neurons and motor intentionality in the development of self-agency. I suggest that this will also give us a firmer basis for an emergent view of archetypes, as key components in the development trajectory of self-agency, from its foundation in bodily action to its mature expression in mentalization and a conscious awareness of intentionality. I offer some ideas about the implications of these issues of self-agency for our clinical work with patients whose developmental trajectory of self-agency has been partially inhibited, so that their communications have a coercive effect. I discuss the possibility that this kind of clinical phenomenon may relate to Gallese and Lakoff's hypothesis that abstract thought and imagination are forms of simulated action, and that the same sensory-motor circuits that control action also control imagination, concept formation and understanding, but with a crucial development, that of an inhibition of the connections between secondary pre-motor cortical areas and the primary motor cortex. I shall speculate that in the earlier developmental stages of self-agency, the separation of secondary from primary motor areas is not complete, so that imagination and thought are not entirely independent of physical action. Translations of Abstract Cet article traite du rôle de l'action et de l'intentionnalité motrice dans le développement de la self-agency. Je pars de l'hypothèse de Gallese et Lakoff selon laquelle la pensée abstraite et l'imagination seraient des formes d'action simulée; d'après eux, les circuits sensori-moteurs contrôlant l'action présideraient également à l'organisation de l'imagination, de la formation des complexes et de la compréhension. Je suggère que cette hypothèse fournit une base solide à une conception émergente des archétypes comme composants clés du développement de la self-agency, depuis son inscription corporelle première jusqu'à la maturité de son expression à travers la mentalisation et la conscience de l'intentionnalité, la nôtre et celle d'autrui. J'avance l'idée qu'aux stades précoces du développement de la self-agency, l'imagination et la pensée ne sont pas totalement indépendantes de l'action physique. Je conclus en examinant certaines implications cliniques de cette conception, notamment dans notre travail avec des patients dont le développement de la self-agency a été partiellement inhibé, si bien que leurs modes de communication ont un effet coercitif , ou encore un «niveau de communication indexé» tel que le décrit Terence Deacon. Dieser Text untersucht die Rolle von Bewegung und motorischer Intentionalität in der Entwicklung der Selbstregulation. Ich diskutiere Galasses und Lakoffs Hypothese, daß abstrakter Gedanke und Vorstellung Formen des Probehandelns sind und daß die gleichen sensomotorischen Schaltkreise, die Handlung kontrollieren, auch Vorstellungsvermögen, Konzeptbildung und Verstehen koordinieren. Ich stelle die Behauptung auf, daß uns durch diese Betrachtung eine festere Basis zur Verfügung steht für eine entstehende Auffassung der Archetypen als Schlüsselkomponenten in der Entwicklungslinie der Selbstregulation von ihrer Grundlage in der körperlichen Aktion bis hin zu reifen Ausdrucksformen in Mentalisation und bewußter Steuerung von Intentionalität in uns und bei anderen. Ich vermute, daß in den frühen Stadien der Selbstregulation Vorstellung und Gedanke nicht völlig unabhängig von physischer Aktivität sind. Ich schließe mit einem Blick auf einige Implikationen der Ergebnisse der Ausbildung der Selbstregulation für unsere klinische Arbeit mit Patienten, deren Entwicklungsverlauf partiell gehemmt wurde, so daß ihre Kommunikationsweisen einen zwangsbestimmten Charakter haben , sich auf der indexiellen Stufe der Kommunikation befinden, wie sie von Terrence Deacon beschrieben wird. In questo scritto si esamina il ruolo dell'azione e dell'intenzionalità motoria nello sviluppo del sé agente. Discuto l'ipotesi di Galles e Lakoff che il pensiero astratto e l'immaginazione siano forme di azione simulata e che gli stessi circuiti senso-motorii che controllano l'azione organizzino anche l'immaginazione, la formazione dei concetti e la comprensione. Penso che ciò ci dia una base più solida per una visione emergente degli archetipi, come componenti chiave nella traiettoria evolutiva del sé agente, dal suo fondamento nella azione del corpo alla sua espressione matura nella mentalizzazione e a una presa di coscienza consapevole della intenzionalità, sia propria che altrui. Ciò mi fa pensare che nelle prime fasi evolutive del sé agente l'immaginazione e il pensiero non siano del tutto indipendenti dalla azione fisica. Concluderò prendendo in considerazione alcune delle implicazioni dei problemi del sé agente per il nostro lavoro clinico con pazienti nei quali la traiettoria di sviluppo del sé agente è stata in parte inibita, così che le loro comunicazioni hanno un effetto coercitivo , il livello di comunicazione descritto da Terrence Deacon. Este trabajo explora el papel de la acción y la intencionalidad motora en el desarrollo de la autogestión. Discuto la hipótesis de Gallese y Lakoff en la cual el pensamiento abstracto y la imaginación son formas de acción simulada y de que los mismos circuitos senso-motores que controlan la acción también organizan la imaginación, la formación de conceptos y el entendimiento. Sugiero que esto nos otorga una base sólida para le emergente visión de los arquetipos, como componentes claves en el desarrollo de la auto-gestión, desde su formación en la acción corporal hasta su expresión madura en la mentalización y una claridad de conciencia de la intencionalidad, en la nuestra y la de otros. Propongo que en el desarrollo temprano de etapas de la auto-gestión, la imaginación y el pensamiento no son totalmente independientes de la acción física. Concluiré mediante la observación de algunas de las implicaciones de los asuntos de la auto-gestión para nuestra práctica clínica con pacientes a quienes la trayectoria de desarrollo de la auto-gestión ha sido inhibida parcialmente, de tal forma que su comunicación tienen un efecto coercitivo,el efecto indexado de la comunicación descrito por Terrence Deacon [source]

Profile of Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease

G. Stennis Watson
Abstract Cognitive impairment (CI) is a common nonmotor complication of Parkinson's disease (PD), and is associated with significant disability for patients and burden for caregivers. Similar to motor symptoms, the characteristics of CI in PD can be quite variable, both in terms of what cognitive domains are impaired, and the timing of onset and rate of progression. This review will examine the profile of cognitive domain impairments observed in PD, with a focus on early CI (without dementia). We will also discuss possible relationships between specific cognitive domain impairments in PD and pathological processes such as Lewy-related pathology and Alzheimer's disease. It is our hypothesis that the specific characteristics of CI observed in individual PD patients provide clues to the underlying pathological processes, and that understanding the biological basis of this clinical phenomenon will assist in directing disease-specific treatments. Given the high lifetime risk for CI in PD, it is imperative that we improve our understanding and treatments for this common and disabling problem in PD. [source]

Maternal methadone may cause arrhythmias in neonates

Tarique Hussain
Abstract Methadone treatment is a well recognised cause of QT interval lengthening in adults. In this case report, we present for the first time, clinically significant QT interval lengthening in a neonate secondary to maternal methadone treatment. Neonatal paediatricians should be aware of this important and potentially serious clinical phenomenon. Conclusion: Bradycardia, tachycardia or an irregular heart rate in an infant born to a mother on methadone treatment should not be ignored and a 12-lead electrocardiogram should be performed. Furthermore, there is also a need for a prospective study of QTc intervals in infants born to mothers receiving methadone. [source]