Children Experienced (child + experience)

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Selected Abstracts

A Child's Experience of Parental Depression: Encouraging Relational Resilience in Families with Affective Illness,

FAMILY PROCESS, Issue 4 2000
Lynn Focht-Birkerts LICSW
In this article, we describe an approach that parents with affective illness can use to foster the emotional resilience of their children. Building on current research that emphasizes the need to formulate concepts of risk and resilience in terms of family or relational processes, we propose that affectively ill parents can promote resilience in their children by helping them express the affect they experience as a result of parental illness-related behavior. Risk and resilience are conceptualized in terms of a family's ability to process emotion or affect: a family's need to constrict affect is a risk factor, while the family's ability to elaborate affect encourages relational resilience. An object relations model is used to discuss the ways in which encouraging this elaboration of affect, especially negative affect, contributes to resilience in children. We describe ways in which a preventive intervention helps to increase parents' emotional responsiveness to their children. Using extensive narrative data from followup interviews with families and children, constriction and expansion of emotion in children concerning affectively ill parents are documented, by multiple interviewers, over a span of more than 5 years. Where danger threatens, there also grows the saving power. ,J.C.F. Hölderlin1Patmos [source]

The Relation of Preschool Child-Care Quality to Children's Cognitive and Social Developmental Trajectories through Second Grade

Ellen S. Peisner-Feinberg
The cognitive ad socioemotional development of 733 children was examined longitudinally from ages 4 to 8 years as a function of the quality of their preschool experiences in community child-care centers, after adjusting for family selection factors related to child-care quality and development. These results provide evidence that child-care quality has a modest long-term effect on children's patterns of cognitive and socioemotional development at least through kindergarten, and in some cases, through second grade. Differential effects on children's development were found for two aspects of child-care quality. Observed classroom practices were related to children's language and academic skills, whereas the closeness of the teacher , child relationship was related to both cognitive and social skills, with the strongest effects for the latter. Moderating influences of family characteristics were observed for some outcomes, indicating stronger positive effects of child-care quality for children from more at-risk backgrounds. These findings contribute further evidence of the long-term influences of the quality of child-care environments on children's cognitive and social skills through the elementary school years and are consistent with a bioecological model of development that considers the multiple environmental contexts that the child experiences. [source]

The impact of exposure to domestic violence on children and young people: a review of the literature

Richard Reading
The impact of exposure to domestic violence on children and young people: a review of the literature HoltS., BuckleyH. & WhelanS. ( 2008 ) Child Abuse & Neglect , 32 , 797 , 810 . Objective This article reviews the literature concerning the impact of exposure to domestic violence on the health and developmental well-being of children and young people. Impact is explored across four separate yet interrelated domains (domestic violence exposure and child abuse, impact on parental capacity, impact on child and adolescent development and exposure to additional adversities), with potential outcomes and key messages concerning best practice responses to children's needs highlighted. Method A comprehensive search of identified databases was conducted within an 11-year framework (1995,2006). This yielded a vast literature that was selectively organized and analysed according to the four domains identified above. Results This review finds that children and adolescents living with domestic violence are at increased risk of experiencing emotional, physical and sexual abuse, of developing emotional and behavioural problems and of increased exposure to the presence of other adversities in their lives. It also highlights a range of protective factors that can mitigate against this impact, in particular a strong relationship with and attachment to a caring adult, usually the mother. Conclusion Children and young people may be significantly affected by living with domestic violence, and impact can endure even after measures have been taken to secure their safety. It also concludes that there is rarely a direct causal pathway leading to a particular outcome and that children are active in constructing their own social world. Implications for interventions suggest that timely, appropriate and individually tailored responses need to build on the resilient blocks in the child's life. Practice implications This study illustrate the links between exposure to domestic violence, various forms of child abuse and other related adversities, concluding that such exposure may have a differential yet potentially deleterious impact for children and young people. From a resilient perspective this review also highlights range of protective factors that influence the extent of the impact of exposure and the subsequent outcomes for the child. This review advocates for a holistic and child-centred approach to service delivery, derived from an informed assessment, designed to capture a picture of the individual child's experience and responsive to their individual needs. [source]

Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children: Forerunner to Adult Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Monica Jarrett PhD
ISSUES AND PURPOSE Review the etiology and pathophysiology of recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) and its potential role as a precursor to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in adults. CONCLUSIONS Physiological mechanisms not easily identifiable as an organic cause may underlie symptoms in RAP patients. They may be triggered by psychosocial factors that result in greater functional disability, more clinic visits, and lower academic and social competence. Of these children, 25% will experience similar symptoms as adults; many will be diagnosed with IBS. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Nurses can provide early and efficient management of these children's care if they view the issues of abdominal pain/discomfort from a broader focus that includes the context of the child's experiences. [source]

Attachment models of the self and others: Relations with self-esteem, humanity-esteem, and parental treatment

Michelle A. Luke
The present research tested the extent to which perceptions of early childhood experiences with parents predicted general views of the self (i.e., self-esteem) and others (i.e., humanity-esteem), and whether attachment self- and other-models mediated these links. Two studies used a new measure of humanity-esteem (Luke & Maio, 2004) to achieve these ends. As expected, indices that tapped a positive model of the self in relationships were associated with high self-esteem and indices that tapped a positive model of others in relationships were associated with high humanity-esteem. Also, early attachment experiences with fathers and mothers predicted self-esteem and humanity-esteem, respectively, and these direct relations were mediated by the attachment models. The studies, therefore, provide direct evidence that attachment measures predict general favorability toward the self and others, while revealing novel differences in the roles of childhood experiences with fathers and mothers. No variables, it is held, have more far-reaching effects on personality development than a child's experiences within the family: for, starting during his first months in his relation with his mother figure, and extending through the years of childhood and adolescence in his relation to both parents, he builds up working models of how attachment figures are likely to behave towards him in any of a variety of situations; and on those models are based all his expectations, and therefore all his plans, for the rest of his life. Bowlby (1973; p. 369) [source]

Indigenous children and receipt of hospital dental care in Australia

Summary., Objective., The aim of this study was to investigate dental procedures received under hospital general anaesthetic by indigenous and non-indigenous Australian children in 2002,2003. Methods., Separation data from 1297 public and private hospitals were obtained from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare National Hospital Morbidity Database for 2002,2003. The dependant variable was the admission rate of children receiving four categories of dental care (i.e. extraction, pulpal, restoration or other). The explanatory variables included sex, age group, indigenous status and location (i.e. major city, regional or remote). Rates were calculated using estimated resident population counts. Results., The sample included 24 874 children aged from 2 to 14 years. Some 4·3% were indigenous (n = 1062). Admission rates for indigenous and non-indigenous children were similar, with indigenous males having 1·2 times the admission rate of indigenous females (P < 0·05). Indigenous children aged < 5 years had 1·4 times the admission rate of similarly aged non-indigenous children (P < 0·001) and 5·0 times the admission rate of 10,14-year-old indigenous children (P < 0·001). Remote-living indigenous children had 1·5 times the admission rate of their counterparts in major cities or regional areas (P < 0·001), and 1·4 times the admission rate of remote-living non-indigenous children (P < 0·01). The extraction rate of indigenous males was 1·3 times that of non-indigenous males (P < 0·01), and 1·2 times that of indigenous females (P < 0·05). Pre-school indigenous children had 2·2 times the extraction rate of similarly aged non-indigenous children (P < 0·001), and 5·3 times that of indigenous 10,14-year-olds (P < 0·001). The extraction rate of remotely located indigenous children was 1·5 times that of indigenous children in major cities (P < 0·01), and 1·8 times that of remote-living non-indigenous children (P < 0·001). Conclusions., In certain strata , particularly males, the very young and those in remote locations , indigenous children experienced higher rates of extractions than non-indigenous children when undergoing care in a hospital dental general anaesthetic setting. [source]

Medicaid matters: children's health and medicaid eligibility expansions

Kristine A. Lykens
In the late 1980s, a series of federal laws were enacted which expanded Medicaid eligibility to more of the nation's children. States had a great amount of discretion in how fast and how far these expansions were implemented. As a result, there was great variation among the states in defining who was eligible for the program. This variation provides a rare opportunity to disentangle the effect of Medicaid from a child's socioeconomic status. Using data from the National Health Interview Survey, we address whether the Medicaid expansions improved the health and functional status of children. Econometric models were developed using fixed-effects regressions, and were estimated separately for white, black, and Hispanic children. White children experienced statistically significant reductions in acute health conditions and functional limitations. Black and Hispanic children showed some evidence of improved health conditions and functional status, but this evidence is inconclusive in the study sample. This may be due to differences in their access to appropriate health services or to the smaller sample size of minorities in each geographic area. The findings are also relevant to the implementation of the Children' Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the latest federal effort to expand access to health care to poor and near poor children. In many states, CHIP is being implemented in whole or in part through further Medicaid expansions. © 2002 by the Association for Policy Analysis and Management. [source]

Psychogenic movement disorders in children,

Joseph Ferrara MD
Abstract Psychogenic movement disorders (PMDs) are well characterized in adults, but childhood-onset PMDs have not been extensively studied. We reviewed the medical records of children who were diagnosed in our clinic with PMDs since 1988 and identified 54 patients with PMDs, representing 3.1% of our pediatric movement disorder population and 5.7% of all PMD cases. The mean age at symptom onset was 14.2 years (±2.11, range 7.6,17.7). Similar to published data in adults, two-thirds of children exhibited multiple PMD phenotypes, the most common being tremor followed by dystonia and myoclonus. Most PMDs were abrupt in onset, paroxysmal and triggered by identifiable physical or psychological trauma. As in adults, childhood PMDs were more likely to affect females, but there was no female predominance in children less than 13 years old. Although prior studies suggest that medically unexplained symptoms beginning in childhood often follow a benign course, this cohort of children experienced marked disability and morbidity related to PMDs, including prolonged school absences and unnecessary surgical procedures in more than one-fifth of patients. © 2008 Movement Disorder Society [source]

Serological and clinical characteristics of children with peanut sensitization in an Asian community

Wen Chin Chiang
Chiang WC, Pons L, Kidon MI, Liew WK, Goh A, Wesley Burks A. Serological and clinical characteristics of children with peanut sensitization in an Asian community. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: e429,e438. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S In the past two decades, peanut allergy prevalence has increased in the West but has been perceived as having remained low in Asia. To review the clinical presentation of Asian children with peanut hypersensitivity and measure their IgE responses to major peanut allergens. We enrolled 31 children presenting with various allergies and a positive skin prick test to peanut from the Children's hospital outpatient allergy clinic in Singapore. A detailed questionnaire was completed by parents. The children's serum IgE specific to native Ara h 1, native Ara h 2, and recombinant Ara h 3 were detected using ELISA. Of the 31 patients, 19 had previously documented reactions to peanuts, while 12 had no previous clinical reaction. Most, 89.5% (17/19) of first reactions featured skin changes (urticaria, erythema, angioedema), but only 36.8% (7/19) involved skin symptoms alone. Respiratory symptoms and GI symptoms occurred in 42.1% and 26.3% of patients respectively and did not occur as the sole manifestation of reaction. The most common GI manifestation was emesis, present in 26.3% (5/19) of subjects. Two children experienced impaired consciousness with systemic, anaphylactic events. Although most sought treatment for their first peanut reaction only one patient received epinephrine. Half of our patients reported a subsequent accidental ingestion after the diagnosis of peanut allergy, with a median time from diagnosis to first accidental ingestion of 4 months and a reported increased severity of reaction in approximately half of the repeat exposures. Eighty-seven percent of children had specific IgE directed against at least one of the major peanut allergens. Among all patients, 87.1% had IgE specific to both Ara h 1 and Ara h 2 and 54.8% to rAra h 3. Asian children with peanut sensitization have clinically similar presentations and respond to the same major allergenic proteins as their Western counterparts. The perceived differences between the populations in this context do not stem from divergent clinical or immunological responses. [source]