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Selected Abstracts

The presence of morphologically intermediate papilla syndrome in United Kingdom populations of sand goby (Pomatoschistus spp.): Endocrine disruption?

Mark F. Kirby
Abstract The sand goby (Pomatoschistus spp.) is a small estuarine fish. Its abundance, life history, and sedentary nature lead to its adoption as a key species in the U.K. Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment (EDMAR) Program. This study investigated the presence of classic markers of estrogenic exposure by determining vitellogenin (VTG) and zona radiata protein (ZRP) mRNA levels and ovotestis in estuarine-caught male gobies and investigated morphological changes in the urogenital papilla (UGP). Laboratory exposures to estrogens were also conducted to ascertain the responses of these markers. Wild-caught male fish showed no evidence of ovotestis, VTG, or ZRP mRNA induction. Laboratory exposures suggested that sensitivity of the goby to VTG/ZRP mRNA induction was similar to flounder. The UGP inspection of wild-caught specimens revealed evidence of feminization of male papillae, a condition denoted as morphologically intermediate papilla syndrome (MIPS). Morphologically intermediate papilla syndrome was more prevalent at estrogenically contaminated sites. Juvenile goby experimentally exposed to 17,-estradiol for 11 to 32 weeks exhibited signs of the MIPS condition, showing that it was inducible by estrogenic exposure and could therefore be a form of estrogenic endocrine disruption. The estuaries where the MIPS condition was most prevalent (>50% at certain sites) were the Tees, Mersey, and Clyde. The potential of the MIPS condition to significantly interfere with reproductive performance is discussed as well as its use as a monitoring tool for endocrine disruption in the estuarine environment. [source]

Incidence of Phytophthora species in oak forests in Austria and their possible involvement in oak decline

Y. Balci
Summary A survey on the occurrence of Phytophthora species in oak ecosystems in Austria was conducted from April to May 1999 and in June 2000. The investigations were carried out at 35 study sites distributed throughout the zone of oak forests in eastern Austria. Four oak species, including Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. cerris and Q. pubescens were considered in the survey. Rhizosphere soil samples were taken from sample trees, which consisted of healthy and declining trees as indicated by their crown transparency. Young oak leaflets were used as baits to recover Phytophthora species. The assemblage of Phytophthora spp. detected in Austrian oak forests consisted of five species, including Phytophthora quercina, P. citricola, P. gonapodyides, P. europaea and P. syringae. P. quercina and P. citricola were isolated from 11 and seven sites, respectively, and were thus the most common and most widely distributed species. The three other species were recovered only sporadically. P. citricola could be separated into two morphologically and genetically well-characterized types (A and B). Phytophthora species, in particular the common P. quercina and P. citricola occurred on sites showing a wide variety of soil types, soil textures and moisture classes. There was mild evidence for connection between deteriorating crown status and the presence of Phytophthora spp. Furthermore, significant differences in contents of magnesium, as well as calcium, aluminium, nitrogen and carbon at different soil depths (0,10, 10,20 and 20,40 cm) were detected between Phytophthora -infested and Phytophthora -free sites. The results of the present study provide circumstantial evidence that Phytophthora species are involved in oak decline at certain sites in Austria. Résumé Une prospection des espèces de Phytophthora dans les écosystèmes de chênaie a été réalisée en Autriche en avril-mai 1999 et en juin 2000. Les recherches ont été conduites dans 35 sites répartis dans l'ensemble des chênaies de l'est de l'Autriche. Quatre espèces de chênes ont été prises en considération: Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. cerris et Q. pubescens. Des échantillons de sol rhizosphérique ont été prélevés au pied d'arbres sains ou dépérissants, jugés d'après la transparence de leur houppier. De jeunes feuilles de chênes ont été utilisées comme piège. Les Phytophthora spp. détectés dans les chênaies autrichiennes appartenaient à cinq espèces : P. quercina, P. citricola, P. gonapodyides, P. europaea et P. syringae. Phytophthora quercina et P. citricola ont été isolés dans 11 et 7 sites respectivement; ils étaient les plus fréquents et les plus largement répandus. Les trois autres espèces n'ont été trouvées que sporadiquement. Chez P. citricola, deux types (A et B) ont pu être distingués, morphologiquement et génétiquement différents. Les espèces de Phytophthora, en particulier P. quercina et P. citricola,étaient présents dans des sites très variés pour les types de sol, leur texture et l'humidité. Phythophthora spp. tendaient àêtre plus fréquemment présents en lien avec la détérioration des houppiers. Par ailleurs, des différences significatives ont été trouvées entre les sites avec ou sans Phytophthora, pour les teneurs en magnésium ainsi qu'en calcium, aluminium, azote et carbone à différentes profondeurs du sol (0,10, 10,20 et 20,40 cm). Les résultats montrent que des espèces de Phytophthora sont impliquées dans le dépérissement des chênes dans certains sites en Autriche. Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen einer breit angelegten Erhebung wurde im April und Mai 1999 sowie im Juni 2000 das Auftreten von Phytophthora -Arten in Eichenwaldökosystemen in Österreich untersucht. Die Erhebungen wurden an 35 Standorten durchgeführt, die über das gesamte natürliche Eichenwaldvorkommen in Ostösterreich verteilt waren. In die Untersuchung wurden die vier Eichenarten Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. cerris und Q. pubescens einbezogen. Von jeder , anhand ihres Kronenzustands als gesund bzw. krank eingestuften , Eiche wurden Bodenproben entnommen und aus diesen mittels ,Eichenblatt'-Ködermethode die Phytophthora -Arten isoliert. Das Spektrum der in Österreich isolierten Phytophthora -Arten umfasste die 5 Arten Phytophthora quercina, P. citricola, P. gonapodyides, P. europaea und P. syringae. P. quercina und P. citricola wurden von 11 bzw. 7 der untersuchten Standorte isoliert und waren somit die häufigsten und am weitesten verbreiteten Arten. Die drei anderen Phytophthora -Arten traten hingegen nur sporadisch auf. Innerhalb von P. citricola konnten anhand morphologischer und genetischer Merkmale 2 Typen (Typ A und Typ B) unterschieden werden. Phytophthora -Arten, insbesondere die häufig nachgewiesenen Arten P. quercina und P. citricola wurden an Standorten mit den unterschiedlichsten Bodentypen, -textur und -feuchteklassen nachgewissen. Es wurde ein schwach signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem sich verschlechternden Kronenzustand und dem Vorhandensein von Phytophthora nachgewissen. Darüber hinaus unterschieden sich Phytophthora -infizierte und Phytophthora -freie Standorte in verschiedenen Bodentiefen (0,10, 10,20 und 20,40 cm) signifikant in ihren Magnesium, Kalzium, Aluminium, Stickstoff und Kohlenstoff-Gehalten. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie lassen den Schluss zu, dass Phytophthora -Arten an einigen Untersuchungsstandorten in Österreich am Eichensterben beteiligt sind. [source]

BCL2 gene abnormalities define distinct clinical subsets of follicular lymphoma

J R Goodlad
Aims:, Follicular lymphoma (FL) arising primarily in the skin has recently been proposed as a distinct entity on the basis of a low incidence of t(14;18)(q32;q21) and bcl-2 expression, with a very high percentage of patients surviving more than 5 years. However, cases of t(14;18)(q32;q21)-positive primary cutaneous FL (PCFL) and examples of t(14;18)(q32;q21)-negative FL at nodal and other extranodal sites, are well documented. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that there is a subtype of FL lacking t(14;18)(q32;q21), which preferentially involves certain sites but is not restricted by anatomical location. Methods and results:, A cohort of 47 stage 1 FL was stratified according to the presence or absence of t(14;18)(q32;q21) using conventional cytogenetics, polymerase chain reaction and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization. Compared with t(14;18)(q32;q21)-positive cases, FL lacking the translocation were less likely to express CD10 or bcl-2 (P < 0.01), made up a significantly greater proportion of cases arising at extranodal sites (P < 0.001) and had a significantly better overall and disease-specific 5-year survival (P < 0.01). Conclusions:, These results support the concept of a subtype of FL lacking t(14;18)(q32;q21), characterized by low-intensity bcl-2 expression, a predilection for extranodal sites, particularly the skin, and a more favourable outcome than t(14;18)(q32;q21)-positive FL. [source]

Occupational risk in health care and research,

Daniela Vecchio MS
Abstract Background Working in the health care and research sectors has been linked to various hazards. Methods Studies published in the peer-reviewed literature that are pertinent to the exposures or diseases relevant to these fields were reviewed. Results The most important exposures include infectious agents, formaldehyde, anesthetic agents, antineoplastic drugs, and ethylene oxide. The best-documented evidence is that of infectious risk primarily among clinical personnel. Monitoring studies of persons occupationally exposed to anesthetics clearly demonstrate behavioral effects, possible risk of reproductive problems, as well as cytogenetic effects of unknown significance. The latter two impairments are also observed among those exposed to antineoplastic drugs and ethylene oxide. Exposure to formaldehyde appears to be associated with nasopharyngeal tumors. Whereas increased risk of cancer of certain sites, particularly the brain and lymphohematopoietic system, is found among research and health care personnel, no specific exposure has been linked to these neoplasms. Conclusions Although some results are inconsistent, continued environmental and biological monitoring will allow better assessment of exposures and of implemented protection measures. Am. J. Ind. Med. 43:369,397, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

The role of chemoattraction in cancer metastases

BIOESSAYS, Issue 8 2001
Malcolm A.S. Moore
It has long been unclear as to why particular cancers preferentially metastasize to certain sites. The possibilities usually discussed involve differential survival and proliferation at these sites, or selective trapping with or without preferential homing. A recent report by Muller et al.(1) provides evidence for preferential homing of breast cancer to metastatic sites. The findings indicate that the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CCR7 are found on breast cancer cells and their ligands are highly expressed at sites associated with breast cancer metastases. This results in chemotaxis, or directed migration of tumor cells from their primary site via the circulation to the preferential sites of metastases. The evidence for this model and its significance are reviewed here. BioEssays 23:674,676, 2001. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [source]

A 5-decade analysis of 13,715 carcinoid tumors

CANCER, Issue 4 2003
Irvin M. Modlin M.D., Ph.D.
Abstract BACKGROUND Carcinoid tumors represent an unusual and complex disease spectrum with protean clinical manifestations. This compilation of several large United States-based databases comprising patients from 1950 to 1999 examines 13,715 carcinoid tumors and provides epidemiologic information regarding the natural history and evolution of the detection and diagnosis of this entity. METHODS The authors evaluated 10,878 carcinoid tumors that were identified by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) from 1973 to 1999 in addition to 2837 carcinoid tumors that were registered previously by two earlier NCI programs. To the authors' knowledge, this represents the largest current epidemiology series addressing carcinoid tumors to date. RESULTS Specific trends in incidence for carcinoid tumors of certain sites were identified. Among the most recently collected subset of data, sites that demonstrated the greatest incidence of carcinoids were the gastrointestinal tract (67.5%) and the bronchopulmonary system (25.3%). Within the gastrointestinal tract, most carcinoid tumors occurred in the small intestine (41.8%), rectum (27.4%), and stomach (8.7%). For all sites, age-adjusted incidence rates were highest in black males (4.48 per 100,000 population per year). Associated noncarcinoid tumors were frequent in conjunction with small intestinal (29.0%), gastric (20.5%), colonic (20.0%), and appendiceal (18.2%) carcinoids. The highest percentages of nonlocalized lesions were noted for cecal (81.5,83.2%) and pancreatic (71.9,81.3%) carcinoids, whereas the highest percentage of localized disease was found among rectal (81.7%), gastric (67.5%), and bronchopulmonary (65.4%) carcinoids. The best 5-year survival rates were recorded for patients with rectal (88.3%), bronchopulmonary (73.5%), and appendiceal (71.0%) carcinoids; these tumors exhibited invasive growth or metastatic spread in 3.9%, 27.5%, and 38.8% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Carcinoids appear to have increased in overall incidence over the past 30 years; for some sites, this trend has been evident for nearly half a century. Recent marked increases in gastric and rectal carcinoids and a concomitant decrease in appendiceal carcinoid incidence may be due in part to varying rules of registration among the compiled databases examined in this report or to improvements in diagnostic technology; increased awareness of and about carcinoid tumors also may play a significant role. In 12.9% of all patients with carcinoid, distant metastases already were evident at the time of diagnosis; the overall 5-year survival rate for all carcinoid tumors, regardless of site, was 67.2%. These findings bring into question the widely promulgated relative benignity of carcinoid disease. Certain carcinoid tumors, such as those of the rectum, appear to be over-represented among the black and Asian populations within the United States, suggesting the role of genetics in the development of this intriguing disease. Cancer 2003;97:934,59. © 2003 American Cancer Society. DOI 10.1002/cncr.11105 [source]