Census Population Size (census + population_size)

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Selected Abstracts

Introduction Strategies Put to the Test: Local Adaptation versus Heterosis

exogamia; introducciones multi-fuente; introducciones uni-fuente; Succisa pratensis Abstract:,Plant biodiversity has declined seriously because of both habitat deterioration and habitat fragmentation. As a result, many species have been forced into small, fragmented, and isolated populations and are believed to suffer from higher extinction risks. Genetic reinforcement and the establishment of new populations are now widely used to prevent extinction. However, the genetic background of transplants may seriously affect the long-term success of these populations because increased genetic variation may reduce the risk of inbreeding or lead to better performance by restored heterozygosity levels (heterosis). Introduced transplants, however, may be poorly adapted to the new local conditions. We tested the initial success of alternative introduction strategies. We evaluated the potential for inbreeding, heterosis, and/or local adaptation after introduction of artificial populations of Succisa pratensis. We introduced individuals from local and distant artificial populations that were created from either small or large populations. We created the artificial populations with the same census population size but varying effective population sizes by adjusting the relatedness of individuals. We analyzed the demographic consequences of inbreeding, heterosis, and/or local adaptation of these artificial populations. Reduced performance after selfing was manifested by a reduction in seed production, seed weight, germination, and flowering percentage. Seed production, seed weight, flowering percentage, and number of flowerheads were negatively affected by small population size. Local adaptation increased biomass and flowering percentage for local individuals. Seed weight and seed production exhibited significant heterosis. Our results demonstrate that threatened populations can benefit from introduction and genetic reinforcement of individuals from related populations. Significant differences among the artificial populations for several measured performance components suggest that introduction or reinforcement is best achieved through material from a local population or, when unavailable, from several large populations. Resumen:,La biodiversidad de plantas ha declinado seriamente tanto por el deterioro como la fragmentación de hábitats. Como resultado, muchas especies han sido relegadas a poblaciones pequeñas, fragmentadas y aisladas cuyos riesgos de extinción se piensa que son mayores. El reforzamiento genético y el establecimiento de poblaciones nuevas se utilizan ampliamente en la actualidad para prevenir la extinción. Sin embargo, los antecedentes genéticos de transplantes pueden afectar seriamente el éxito de estas poblaciones a largo plazo debido a que el incremento en la variación genética puede reducir el riesgo de endogamia o puede conducir a un mejor rendimiento por lograr niveles de heterocigosidad restaurados (heterosis). No obstante, los trasplantes introducidos pueden adaptarse deficientemente a las nuevas condiciones locales. Probamos el éxito inicial de estrategias de introducción alternativas. Evaluamos el potencial de endogamia, heterosis y/o adaptación local después de la introducción de poblaciones artificiales de Succisa pratensis. Introdujimos individuos de poblaciones locales y de poblaciones artificiales distantes que fueron creadas a partir de poblaciones tanto pequeñas como grandes. Las poblaciones artificiales fueron creadas con el mismo tamaño poblacional censal pero variaron en tamaños poblacionales efectivos al ajustar la parentela de los individuos. Analizamos las consecuencias demográficas de la endogamia, heterosis y/o adaptación local de estas poblaciones artificiales. Después de la autofecundación se manifestó una reducción en el rendimiento por reducción en la producción y peso de semillas y en el porcentaje de germinación y floración. La producción y peso de semillas, el porcentaje de floración y el número de botones florales fueron afectados negativamente por el tamaño poblacional pequeño. La adaptación local incrementó la biomasa y el porcentaje de floración en individuos locales. El peso y producción de semillas mostró heterosis significativa. Nuestros resultados demuestran que las poblaciones amenazadas pueden beneficiarse de la introducción y del reforzamiento genético de individuos de poblaciones emparentadas. Las diferencias significativas entre las poblaciones artificiales en varios de los componentes de rendimiento medidos sugiere que la introducción o reforzamiento se logra mejor con material de una población local o, cuando no disponible, con material de varias poblaciones grandes. [source]

Genetic Effects of Multiple Generations of Supportive Breeding

Jinliang Wang
This procedure is intended to increase population size without introducing exogenous genes into the managed population. Previous work examining the genetic effects of a single generation of supportive breeding has shown that although a successful program increases the census population size, it may reduce the genetically effective population size and thereby induce excessive inbreeding and loss of genetic variation. We expand and generalize previous analyses of supportive breeding and consider the effects of multiple generations of supportive breeding on rates of inbreeding and genetic drift. We derived recurrence equations for the inbreeding coefficient and coancestry, and thereby equations for inbreeding and variance effective sizes, under three models for selecting captive breeders: at random, preferentially among those born in captivity, and preferentially among those born in the wild. Numerical examples indicate that supportive breeding, when carried out successfully over multiple generations, may increase not only the census but also the effective size of the supported population as a whole. If supportive breeding does not result in a substantial and continuous increase of the census size of the breeding population, however, it might be genetically harmful because of elevated rates of inbreeding and genetic drift. Resumen: La práctica de apoyar poblaciones silvestres débiles mediante la captura de una fracción de los individuos silvestres, su cautiverio para la reproducción y la liberación a su descendencia en habitas naturales para que convivan con organismos silvestres se conoce como reproducción de apoyo y se ha empleado ampliamente en la biología de la conservación y en el manejo de pesca y vida silvestre. Este procedimiento tiene la intención de incrementar el tamaño de la población sin introducir genes exógenos en la población bajo manejo. Trabajos previos sobre los efectos genéticos de una sola generación de reproducción de apoyo muestran que, aunque un programa exitoso incrementa el tamaño poblacional, puede reducir la población genéticamente efectivae inducir así un exceso de consanguinidad y pérdida de variación genética. Expandimos y generalizamos análisis previos de la reproducción de apoyo y consideramos los efectos de múltiples generaciones de reproducción de soporte en las tasas de consanguinidad y de deriva génica. Derivamos ecuaciones de recurrencia para el coeficiente de consanguinidad y de coancestría, y por tanto ecuaciones de tamaños efectivos de consanguinidad y de varianza, para tres modelos de selección de reproductores en cautiverio : aleatoria, preferentemente entre los nacidos en cautiverio y preferentemente entre los nacidos en libertad. Los ejemplos numéricos indican que la reproducción de apoyo, cuando es exitosa en múltiples generaciones, puede ser favorable para el incremento no solo del tamaño, sino del tamaño efectivo de la población soportada en su conjunto. Sin embargo, si la reproducción de soporte no resulta en un incremento sustancial y continuo del tamaño de la población, puede ser genéticamente dañina debido a las altas tasas de consanguinidad y de deriva genética. [source]

A new approach to prioritizing marine fish and shellfish populations for conservation

Einar Eg Nielsen
Abstract There has been increasing awareness of the vulnerability of marine organisms to population extirpation and species extinction. While very few documented cases of species extinction exist in the marine environment, it is anticipated that managers will face the dilemma of prioritizing populations of marine fish and shellfish for protection in the near future. Current prioritization procedures have been developed from salmonid models with the intent of applying them to all marine organisms, and in some cases to freshwater and terrestrial taxa. In this review we provide evidence for the relevance of such a process for marine species and further suggest five broad categories of marine organisms that have distinctive traits influencing their genetic structure. The current prioritization models have been adapted to account for each of these species groups. Emphasis is placed on ,Classical Marine Species' which represent the opposite end of the continuum from the salmon model, displaying high within-population genetic variance. From this category, three cod (Gadus morhua) stocks were selected to evaluate a revised scheme developed specifically for ,Classical Marine Species' that includes performance measures such as (i) reduction in number of spawning populations; (ii) reduction of Ne : Nc (ratio of effective to census population size); (iii) changes in life-history traits; (iv) critical density for spawning success; and (v) patchy vs. continuous distribution pattern. When the salmonid scheme was applied, the cod examples were allocated low values, indicating that they were not under threat. However, when the revised scheme was applied, all three cod stocks were allocated high values, indicating that the revised scheme was more reflective of the particular life-history traits of this category of organisms. [source]

Male reproductive competition in spawning aggregations of cod (Gadus morhua, L.)

D Bekkevold
Abstract Reproductive competition may lead to a large skew in reproductive success among individuals. Very few studies have analysed the paternity contribution of individual males in spawning aggregations of fish species with huge census population sizes. We quantified the variance in male reproductive success in spawning aggregations of cod under experimental conditions over an entire spawning season. Male reproductive success was estimated by microsatellite-based parentage analysis of offspring produced in six separate groups of spawning cod. In total, 1340 offspring and 102 spawnings distributed across a spawning season were analysed. Our results show that multiple males contributed sperm to most spawnings but that paternity frequencies were highly skewed among males, with larger males on average siring higher proportions of offspring. It was further indicated that male reproductive success was dependent on the magnitude of the size difference between a female and a male. We discuss our results in relation to the cod mating system. Finally, we suggest that the highly skewed distribution of paternity success observed in cod may be a factor contributing to the low effective population size/census population size ratios observed in many marine organisms. [source]

Metric and nonmetric dental variation and the population structure of the Ainu

Tsunehiko Hanihara
Gene flow and genetic drift are important factors affecting geographic variations in human phenotypic traits. In the present study, the effects of gene flow from an outside source on the pattern of within- and among-group variation of the Ainu from Sakhalin Island and three local groups of Hokkaido are examined by applying an R-matrix approach to metric and nonmetric dental data. The comparative samples consist of their ancestral and neighboring populations, such as the Neolithic Jomon, the subsequent Epi-Jomon/Satsumon, the Okhotsk culture people who migrated from Northeast Asia to the northeastern part of Hokkaido during a period 1600,900 years B.P., and modern non-Ainu Japanese. The results obtained by using the census population sizes of the regional groups of the Ainu as an estimate of relative effective population size suggest the possibility of an admixture between the Okhotsk culture people and the indigenous inhabitants in Hokkaido, at least in the coastal region along the Sea of Okhotsk. Such gene flow from Northeast Asian continent may have exerted an effect on the genetic structure of the contemporary Ainu. The present findings indicate that the population structure, as represented by genetic drift and gene flow, tend to be obscured in the results obtained by standard statistical methods such as Mahalanobis' generalized distance and Smith's MMDs. The present extension of the R-matrix approach to metric and nonmetric dental data provide results that can be interpreted in terms of a genetically, archaeologically, and prehistorically suggested pattern of gene flow and isolation. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]