Brain White Matter (brain + white_matter)

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Selected Abstracts

Illustrative White Matter Fiber Bundles

Ron Otten
Abstract Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) has made feasible the visualization of the fibrous structure of the brain white matter. In the last decades, several fiber-tracking methods have been developed to reconstruct the fiber tracts from DTI data. Usually these fiber tracts are shown individually based on some selection criteria like region of interest. However, if the white matter as a whole is being visualized clutter is generated by directly rendering the individual fiber tracts. Often users are actually interested in fiber bundles, anatomically meaningful entities that abstract from the fibers they contain. Several clustering techniques have been developed that try to group the fiber tracts in fiber bundles. However, even if clustering succeeds, the complex nature of white matter still makes it difficult to investigate. In this paper, we propose the use of illustration techniques to ease the exploration of white matter clusters. We create a technique to visualize an individual cluster as a whole. The amount of fibers visualized for the cluster is reduced to just a few hint lines, and silhouette and contours are used to improve the definition of the cluster borders. Multiple clusters can be easily visualized by a combination of the single cluster visualizations. Focus+context concepts are used to extend the multiple-cluster renderings. Exploded views ease the exploration of the focus cluster while keeping the context clusters in an abstract form. Real-time results are achieved by the GPU implementation of the presented techniques. [source]

Survival of neural precursor cells in growth factor-poor environment: Implications for transplantation in chronic disease

GLIA, Issue 4 2006
Ofira Einstein
Abstract A key issue for therapeutic neural stem cell transplantation in chronic diseases is the long-term survival of transplanted cells in the brain. The normal adult central nervous system does not support the survival of transplanted cells. Presumably, the limited availability of trophic factors maintains the survival of resident cells but is insufficient for supporting the survival of transplanted cells. Specifically, in multiple sclerosis, a chronic relapsing disease, it would be necessary to maintain long-term survival of transplanted cells through phases of relapses and remissions. It may be beneficial to transplant cells as early as possible, in a form that will keep their survival independent of tissue support and ready for immediate mobilization upon tissue demand during disease relapse. In the present study, we examined whether, in the form of neurospheres, multipotential neural precursor cells (NPCs) survive in a growth factor-poor environment while maintaining their potential to respond to environmental cues. We found that after removal of growth factors from the culture medium of neurospheres in vitro, NPC proliferation decreased significantly, but most cells survived for a prolonged time and maintained their stem cell characteristics. After re-exposure to growth factors, neurosphere cells resumed proliferation and could differentiate along neural lineages. Furthermore, neurospheres, but not single NPCs, that were transplanted into the brain ventricles of intact animals survived within the ventricles for at least a month and responded to induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and brain inflammation by extensive migration into the brain white matter and differentiated into glial lineage cells. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Quantitative analysis of MRI signal abnormalities of brain white matter with high reproducibility and accuracy

Xingchang Wei MD
Abstract Purpose To assess the reproducibility and accuracy compared to radiologists of three automated segmentation pipelines for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurement of brain white matter signal abnormalities (WMSA). Materials and Methods WMSA segmentation was performed on pairs of whole brain scans from 20 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 10 older subjects who were positioned and imaged twice within 30 minutes. Radiologist outlines of WMSA on 20 sections from 16 patients were compared with the corresponding results of each segmentation method. Results The segmentation method combining expectation-maximization (EM) tissue segmentation, template-driven segmentation (TDS), and partial volume effect correction (PVEC) demonstrated the highest accuracy (the absolute value of the Z-score was 0.99 for both groups of subjects), as well as high interscan reproducibility (repeatability coefficient was 0.68 mL in MS patients and 1.49 mL in aging subjects). Conclusion The addition of TDS to the EM segmentation and PVEC algorithms significantly improved the accuracy of WMSA volume measurements, while also improving measurement reproducibility. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2002;15:203,209. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Brain Microstructure Is Related to Math Ability in Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

ALCOHOLISM, Issue 2 2010
Catherine Lebel
Background:, Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) often demonstrate a variety of cognitive deficits, but mathematical ability seems to be particularly affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. Parietal brain regions have been implicated in both functional and structural studies of mathematical ability in healthy individuals, but little is known about the brain structure underlying mathematical deficits in children with FASD. The goal of this study was to use diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate the relationship between mathematical skill and brain white matter structure in children with FASD. Methods:, Twenty-one children aged 5 to 13 years diagnosed with FASD underwent DTI on a 1.5-T MRI scanner and cognitive assessments including the Woodcock-Johnson Quantitative Concepts test. Voxel-based analysis was conducted by normalizing subject images to a template and correlating fractional anisotropy (FA) values across the brain white matter with age-standardized math scores. Results:, Voxel-based analysis revealed 4 clusters with significant correlations between FA and math scores: 2 positively-correlated clusters in the left parietal region, 1 positively-correlated cluster in the left cerebellum, and 1 negatively-correlated cluster in the bilateral brainstem. Diffusion tractography identified the specific white matter tracts passing through these clusters, namely the left superior longitudinal fasciculus, left corticospinal tract and body of the corpus callosum, middle cerebellar peduncle, and bilateral projection fibers including the anterior and posterior limbs of the internal capsule. Conclusions:, These results identify 4 key regions related to mathematical ability and provide a link between brain microstructure and cognitive skills in children with FASD. Given previous findings in typically developing children and those with other abnormal conditions, our results highlight the consistent importance of the left parietal area for mathematical tasks across various populations, and also demonstrate other regions that may be specific to mathematical processing in children with FASD. [source]

Conventional DTI vs. slow and fast diffusion tensors in cat visual cortex

Itamar Ronen
Abstract Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) uses water diffusion anisotropy in axonal fibers to provide a tool for analyzing and tracking those fibers in brain white matter. In the present work, multidirectional diffusion MRI data were collected from a cat brain and decomposed into slow and fast diffusion tensors and directly compared with conventional DTI data from the same imaging slice. The fractional anisotropy of the slow diffusing component (Dslow) was significantly higher than the anisotropy measured by conventional DTI while reflecting a similar directionality and appeared to account for most of the anisotropy observed in gray matter, where the fiber density is notoriously low. Preliminary results of fiber tracking based on the slow diffusion component are shown. Fibers generated based on the slow diffusion component appear to follow the vertical fibers in gray matter. DslowTI may provide a way for increasing the sensitivity to anisotropic structures in cortical gray matter. Magn Reson Med 49:785,790, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [source]

Review: Role of developmental inflammation and blood,brain barrier dysfunction in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases

H. B. Stolp
The causes of most neurological disorders are not fully understood. Inflammation and blood,brain barrier dysfunction appear to play major roles in the pathology of these diseases. Inflammatory insults that occur during brain development may have widespread effects later in life for a spectrum of neurological disorders. In this review, a new hypothesis suggesting a mechanistic link between inflammation and blood,brain barrier function (integrity), which is universally important in both neurodevelopmental and neurodegerative diseases, is proposed. The role of inflammation and the blood,brain barrier will be discussed in cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis, conditions where both inflammation and blood,brain barrier dysfunction occur either during initiation and/or progression of the disease. We suggest that breakdown of normal blood,brain barrier function resulting in a short-lasting influx of blood-born molecules, in particular plasma proteins, may cause local damage, such as reduction of brain white matter observed in some newborn babies, but may also be the mechanism behind some neurodegenerative diseases related to underlying brain damage and long-term changes in barrier properties. [source]

Applications of diffusion-weighted and diffusion tensor MRI to white matter diseases , a review

NMR IN BIOMEDICINE, Issue 7-8 2002
Mark A. Horsfield
Abstract This paper reviews the current applications of diffusion-weighted and diffusion tensor MRI in diseases of the brain white matter. The contribution that diffusion-weighted imaging has made to our understanding of white matter diseases is critically appraised. The quantitative nature of diffusion MRI is one of its major attractions; however, this is offset by the more advanced hardware required to collect diffusion-weighted images reliably, and the more complex processing to produce quantitative parametric diffusion images. With the now common availability of scanners equipped to perform echo-planar imaging, the acquisition of diffusion tensor images is sure to become more widespread and routine. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [source]